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A C handler for mkdocstrings.

Still in prototyping phase!

Feedback is welcome.


This project is available to sponsors only, through my Insiders program. See Insiders explanation and installation instructions.


With the following header file:

#ifndef HELLO_H
#define HELLO_H // Header guard for `hello.h`.

// Some macro that holds something.
#define SOME_MACRO 123

// Pointer to an integer.
typedef const int* foo_t;

 * My cool function that does something **cool**!
 * @param[in] x Input thingy!
 * @param[out] y Output thingy!
 * @param z Some other thing
void foo(int* x, int* y, foo_t z);

const foo_t x = ((foo_t) 0); // Random NULL pointer


Generate docs for this file with this instruction in one of your Markdown page:

::: path/to/hello.h

This will generate the following HTML:


Header guard for hello.h.


Some macro that holds something.

foo_t const int* ¤

Pointer to an integer.

foo_t x ¤

Random NULL pointer

void foo ( int*x, int*y, foo_tz ) ¤

My cool function that does something cool!

Name Type Description
x int*[in]

Input thingy!

y int*[out]

Output thingy!

z foo_t

Some other thing