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1"""This module holds the code of the Markdown extension responsible for matching "autodoc" instructions.
3The extension is composed of a Markdown [block processor](
4that matches indented blocks starting with a line like `::: identifier`.
6For each of these blocks, it uses a [handler][mkdocstrings.handlers.base.BaseHandler] to collect documentation about
7the given identifier and render it with Jinja templates.
9Both the collection and rendering process can be configured by adding YAML configuration under the "autodoc"
13::: some.identifier
14 handler: python
15 options:
16 option1: value1
17 option2:
18 - value2a
19 - value2b
20 option_x: etc
24from __future__ import annotations
26import re
27from collections import ChainMap
28from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
29from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
31import yaml
32from jinja2.exceptions import TemplateNotFound
33from markdown.blockprocessors import BlockProcessor
34from markdown.extensions import Extension
35from markdown.treeprocessors import Treeprocessor
36from mkdocs.exceptions import PluginError
38from mkdocstrings.handlers.base import BaseHandler, CollectionError, CollectorItem, Handlers
39from mkdocstrings.loggers import get_logger
42 from import MutableSequence
44 from markdown import Markdown
45 from markdown.blockparser import BlockParser
46 from mkdocs_autorefs.plugin import AutorefsPlugin
49log = get_logger(__name__)
52class AutoDocProcessor(BlockProcessor):
53 """Our "autodoc" Markdown block processor.
55 It has a [`test` method][mkdocstrings.extension.AutoDocProcessor.test] that tells if a block matches a criterion,
56 and a [`run` method][] that processes it.
58 It also has utility methods allowing to get handlers and their configuration easily, useful when processing
59 a matched block.
60 """
62 regex = re.compile(r"^(?P<heading>#{1,6} *|)::: ?(?P<name>.+?) *$", flags=re.MULTILINE)
64 def __init__(
65 self,
66 parser: BlockParser,
67 md: Markdown,
68 config: dict,
69 handlers: Handlers,
70 autorefs: AutorefsPlugin,
71 ) -> None:
72 """Initialize the object.
74 Arguments:
75 parser: A `markdown.blockparser.BlockParser` instance.
76 md: A `markdown.Markdown` instance.
77 config: The [configuration][mkdocstrings.plugin.PluginConfig] of the `mkdocstrings` plugin.
78 handlers: The handlers container.
79 autorefs: The autorefs plugin instance.
80 """
81 super().__init__(parser=parser)
82 = md
83 self._config = config
84 self._handlers = handlers
85 self._autorefs = autorefs
86 self._updated_envs: set = set()
88 def test(self, parent: Element, block: str) -> bool: # noqa: ARG002
89 """Match our autodoc instructions.
91 Arguments:
92 parent: The parent element in the XML tree.
93 block: The block to be tested.
95 Returns:
96 Whether this block should be processed or not.
97 """
98 return bool(
100 def run(self, parent: Element, blocks: MutableSequence[str]) -> None:
101 """Run code on the matched blocks.
103 The identifier and configuration lines are retrieved from a matched block
104 and used to collect and render an object.
106 Arguments:
107 parent: The parent element in the XML tree.
108 blocks: The rest of the blocks to be processed.
109 """
110 block = blocks.pop(0)
111 match =
113 if match: 113 ↛ 119line 113 didn't jump to line 119 because the condition on line 113 was always true
114 if match.start() > 0:
115 self.parser.parseBlocks(parent, [block[: match.start()]])
116 # removes the first line
117 block = block[match.end() :]
119 block, the_rest = self.detab(block)
121 if not block and blocks and blocks[0].startswith((" handler:", " options:")):
122 # YAML options were separated from the `:::` line by a blank line.
123 block = blocks.pop(0)
125 if match: 125 ↛ 175line 125 didn't jump to line 175 because the condition on line 125 was always true
126 identifier = match["name"]
127 heading_level = match["heading"].count("#")
128 log.debug(f"Matched '::: {identifier}'")
130 html, handler, data = self._process_block(identifier, block, heading_level)
131 el = Element("div", {"class": "mkdocstrings"})
132 # The final HTML is inserted as opaque to subsequent processing, and only revealed at the end.
133 el.text =
134 # We need to duplicate the headings directly, just so 'toc' can pick them up,
135 # otherwise they wouldn't appear in the final table of contents.
136 # These headings are generated by the `BaseHandler.do_heading` method (Jinja filter),
137 # which runs in the inner Markdown conversion layer, and not in the outer one where we are now.
138 headings = handler.get_headings()
139 el.extend(headings)
140 # These duplicated headings will later be removed by our `_HeadingsPostProcessor` processor,
141 # which runs right after 'toc' (see `MkdocstringsExtension.extendMarkdown`).
143 page = self._autorefs.current_page
144 if page is not None: 144 ↛ 145line 144 didn't jump to line 145 because the condition on line 144 was never true
145 for heading in headings:
146 rendered_anchor = heading.attrib["id"]
147 self._autorefs.register_anchor(page, rendered_anchor)
149 if "data-role" in heading.attrib:
150 self._handlers.inventory.register(
151 name=rendered_anchor,
152 domain=handler.domain,
153 role=heading.attrib["data-role"],
154 priority=1, # register with standard priority
155 uri=f"{page}#{rendered_anchor}",
156 )
158 # also register other anchors for this object in the inventory
159 try:
160 data_object = handler.collect(rendered_anchor, handler.fallback_config)
161 except CollectionError:
162 continue
163 for anchor in handler.get_anchors(data_object):
164 if anchor not in self._handlers.inventory:
165 self._handlers.inventory.register(
166 name=anchor,
167 domain=handler.domain,
168 role=heading.attrib["data-role"],
169 priority=2, # register with lower priority
170 uri=f"{page}#{rendered_anchor}",
171 )
173 parent.append(el)
175 if the_rest: 175 ↛ 179line 175 didn't jump to line 179 because the condition on line 175 was never true
176 # This block contained unindented line(s) after the first indented
177 # line. Insert these lines as the first block of the master blocks
178 # list for future processing.
179 blocks.insert(0, the_rest)
181 def _process_block(
182 self,
183 identifier: str,
184 yaml_block: str,
185 heading_level: int = 0,
186 ) -> tuple[str, BaseHandler, CollectorItem]:
187 """Process an autodoc block.
189 Arguments:
190 identifier: The identifier of the object to collect and render.
191 yaml_block: The YAML configuration.
192 heading_level: Suggested level of the heading to insert (0 to ignore).
194 Raises:
195 PluginError: When something wrong happened during collection.
196 TemplateNotFound: When a template used for rendering could not be found.
198 Returns:
199 Rendered HTML, the handler that was used, and the collected item.
200 """
201 config = yaml.safe_load(yaml_block) or {}
202 handler_name = self._handlers.get_handler_name(config)
204 log.debug(f"Using handler '{handler_name}'")
205 handler_config = self._handlers.get_handler_config(handler_name)
206 handler = self._handlers.get_handler(handler_name, handler_config)
208 global_options = handler_config.get("options", {})
209 local_options = config.get("options", {})
210 options = ChainMap(local_options, global_options)
212 if heading_level: 212 ↛ 214line 212 didn't jump to line 214 because the condition on line 212 was never true
213 # Heading level obtained from Markdown (`##`) takes precedence.
214 options = ChainMap({"heading_level": heading_level}, options)
216 log.debug("Collecting data")
217 try:
218 data: CollectorItem = handler.collect(identifier, options)
219 except CollectionError as exception:
220 log.error(str(exception)) # noqa: TRY400
221 raise PluginError(f"Could not collect '{identifier}'") from exception
223 if handler_name not in self._updated_envs: # We haven't seen this handler before on this document.
224 log.debug("Updating handler's rendering env")
225 handler._update_env(, self._config)
226 self._updated_envs.add(handler_name)
228 log.debug("Rendering templates")
229 try:
230 rendered = handler.render(data, options)
231 except TemplateNotFound as exc:
232 theme_name = self._config["theme_name"]
233 log.error( # noqa: TRY400
234 f"Template '{}' not found for '{handler_name}' handler and theme '{theme_name}'.",
235 )
236 raise
238 return rendered, handler, data
241class _HeadingsPostProcessor(Treeprocessor):
242 def run(self, root: Element) -> None:
243 self._remove_duplicated_headings(root)
245 def _remove_duplicated_headings(self, parent: Element) -> None:
246 carry_text = ""
247 for el in reversed(parent): # Reversed mainly for the ability to mutate during iteration.
248 if el.tag == "div" and el.get("class") == "mkdocstrings":
249 # Delete the duplicated headings along with their container, but keep the text (i.e. the actual HTML).
250 carry_text = (el.text or "") + carry_text
251 parent.remove(el)
252 else:
253 if carry_text:
254 el.tail = (el.tail or "") + carry_text
255 carry_text = ""
256 self._remove_duplicated_headings(el)
258 if carry_text:
259 parent.text = (parent.text or "") + carry_text
262class _TocLabelsTreeProcessor(Treeprocessor):
263 def run(self, root: Element) -> None: # noqa: ARG002
264 self._override_toc_labels( # type: ignore[attr-defined]
266 def _override_toc_labels(self, tokens: list[dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
267 for token in tokens:
268 if (label := token.get("data-toc-label")) and token["name"] != label: 268 ↛ 269line 268 didn't jump to line 269 because the condition on line 268 was never true
269 token["name"] = label
270 self._override_toc_labels(token["children"])
273class MkdocstringsExtension(Extension):
274 """Our Markdown extension.
276 It cannot work outside of `mkdocstrings`.
277 """
279 def __init__(self, config: dict, handlers: Handlers, autorefs: AutorefsPlugin, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
280 """Initialize the object.
282 Arguments:
283 config: The configuration items from `mkdocs` and `mkdocstrings` that must be passed to the block processor
284 when instantiated in [`extendMarkdown`][mkdocstrings.extension.MkdocstringsExtension.extendMarkdown].
285 handlers: The handlers container.
286 autorefs: The autorefs plugin instance.
287 **kwargs: Keyword arguments used by `markdown.extensions.Extension`.
288 """
289 super().__init__(**kwargs)
290 self._config = config
291 self._handlers = handlers
292 self._autorefs = autorefs
294 def extendMarkdown(self, md: Markdown) -> None: # noqa: N802 (casing: parent method's name)
295 """Register the extension.
297 Add an instance of our [`AutoDocProcessor`][mkdocstrings.extension.AutoDocProcessor] to the Markdown parser.
299 Arguments:
300 md: A `markdown.Markdown` instance.
301 """
302 md.parser.blockprocessors.register(
303 AutoDocProcessor(md.parser, md, self._config, self._handlers, self._autorefs),
304 "mkdocstrings",
305 priority=75, # Right before markdown.blockprocessors.HashHeaderProcessor
306 )
307 md.treeprocessors.register(
308 _HeadingsPostProcessor(md),
309 "mkdocstrings_post_headings",
310 priority=4, # Right after 'toc'.
311 )
312 md.treeprocessors.register(
313 _TocLabelsTreeProcessor(md),
314 "mkdocstrings_post_toc_labels",
315 priority=4, # Right after 'toc'.
316 )