Coverage for src/mkdocstrings/handlers/ 92.22%
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1"""This module holds helpers responsible for augmentations to the Markdown sub-documents produced by handlers."""
3from __future__ import annotations
5import copy
6import re
7import textwrap
8from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
10from markdown.extensions import Extension
11from markdown.extensions.codehilite import CodeHiliteExtension
12from markdown.treeprocessors import Treeprocessor
13from markupsafe import Markup
14from pymdownx.highlight import Highlight, HighlightExtension
17 from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
19 from markdown import Markdown
22class Highlighter(Highlight):
23 """Code highlighter that tries to match the Markdown configuration.
25 Picking up the global config and defaults works only if you use the `codehilite` or
26 `pymdownx.highlight` (recommended) Markdown extension.
28 - If you use `pymdownx.highlight`, highlighting settings are picked up from it, and the
29 default CSS class is `.highlight`. This also means the default of `guess_lang: false`.
31 - Otherwise, if you use the `codehilite` extension, settings are picked up from it, and the
32 default CSS class is `.codehilite`. Also consider setting `guess_lang: false`.
34 - If neither are added to `markdown_extensions`, highlighting is enabled anyway. This is for
35 backwards compatibility. If you really want to disable highlighting even in *mkdocstrings*,
36 add one of these extensions anyway and set `use_pygments: false`.
38 The underlying implementation is `pymdownx.highlight` regardless.
39 """
41 #
42 _highlight_config_keys = frozenset(
43 (
44 "css_class",
45 "guess_lang",
46 "default_lang",
47 "pygments_style",
48 "noclasses",
49 "use_pygments",
50 "linenums",
51 "linenums_special",
52 "linenums_style",
53 "linenums_class",
54 "extend_pygments_lang",
55 "language_prefix",
56 "code_attr_on_pre",
57 "auto_title",
58 "auto_title_map",
59 "line_spans",
60 "anchor_linenums",
61 "line_anchors",
62 "pygments_lang_class",
63 "stripnl",
64 ),
65 )
67 def __init__(self, md: Markdown):
68 """Configure to match a `markdown.Markdown` instance.
70 Arguments:
71 md: The Markdown instance to read configs from.
72 """
73 config: dict[str, Any] = {}
74 self._highlighter: str | None = None
75 for ext in md.registeredExtensions:
76 if isinstance(ext, HighlightExtension) and (ext.enabled or not config):
77 self._highlighter = "highlight"
78 config = ext.getConfigs()
79 break # This one takes priority, no need to continue looking
80 if isinstance(ext, CodeHiliteExtension) and not config:
81 self._highlighter = "codehilite"
82 config = ext.getConfigs()
83 config["language_prefix"] = config["lang_prefix"]
84 self._css_class = config.pop("css_class", "highlight")
85 super().__init__(**{name: opt for name, opt in config.items() if name in self._highlight_config_keys})
87 def highlight(
88 self,
89 src: str,
90 language: str | None = None,
91 *,
92 inline: bool = False,
93 dedent: bool = True,
94 linenums: bool | None = None,
95 **kwargs: Any,
96 ) -> str:
97 """Highlight a code-snippet.
99 Arguments:
100 src: The code to highlight.
101 language: Explicitly tell what language to use for highlighting.
102 inline: Whether to highlight as inline.
103 dedent: Whether to dedent the code before highlighting it or not.
104 linenums: Whether to add line numbers in the result.
105 **kwargs: Pass on to `pymdownx.highlight.Highlight.highlight`.
107 Returns:
108 The highlighted code as HTML text, marked safe (not escaped for HTML).
109 """
110 if isinstance(src, Markup):
111 src = src.unescape()
112 if dedent: 112 ↛ 115line 112 didn't jump to line 115 because the condition on line 112 was always true
113 src = textwrap.dedent(src)
115 kwargs.setdefault("css_class", self._css_class)
116 old_linenums = self.linenums # type: ignore[has-type]
117 if linenums is not None:
118 self.linenums = linenums
119 try:
120 result = super().highlight(src, language, inline=inline, **kwargs)
121 finally:
122 self.linenums = old_linenums
124 if inline:
125 # From the maintainer of codehilite, the codehilite CSS class, as defined by the user,
126 # should never be added to inline code, because codehilite does not support inline code.
127 # See
128 css_class = "" if self._highlighter == "codehilite" else kwargs["css_class"]
129 return Markup(f'<code class="{css_class} language-{language}">{result.text}</code>')
130 return Markup(result)
133class IdPrependingTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
134 """Prepend the configured prefix to IDs of all HTML elements."""
136 name = "mkdocstrings_ids"
138 id_prefix: str
139 """The prefix to add to every ID. It is prepended without any separator; specify your own separator if needed."""
141 def __init__(self, md: Markdown, id_prefix: str):
142 """Initialize the object.
144 Arguments:
145 md: A `markdown.Markdown` instance.
146 id_prefix: The prefix to add to every ID. It is prepended without any separator.
147 """
148 super().__init__(md)
149 self.id_prefix = id_prefix
151 def run(self, root: Element) -> None: # noqa: D102 (ignore missing docstring)
152 if self.id_prefix: 152 ↛ exitline 152 didn't return from function 'run' because the condition on line 152 was always true
153 self._prefix_ids(root)
155 def _prefix_ids(self, root: Element) -> None:
156 index = len(root)
157 for el in reversed(root): # Reversed mainly for the ability to mutate during iteration.
158 index -= 1
160 self._prefix_ids(el)
161 href_attr = el.get("href")
163 if id_attr := el.get("id"):
164 if el.tag == "a" and not href_attr:
165 # An anchor with id and no href is used by autorefs:
166 # leave it untouched and insert a copy with updated id after it.
167 new_el = copy.deepcopy(el)
168 new_el.set("id", self.id_prefix + id_attr)
169 root.insert(index + 1, new_el)
170 else:
171 # Anchors with id and href are not used by autorefs:
172 # update in place.
173 el.set("id", self.id_prefix + id_attr)
175 # Always update hrefs, names and labels-for:
176 # there will always be a corresponding id.
177 if href_attr and href_attr.startswith("#"):
178 el.set("href", "#" + self.id_prefix + href_attr[1:])
180 if name_attr := el.get("name"): 180 ↛ 181line 180 didn't jump to line 181 because the condition on line 180 was never true
181 el.set("name", self.id_prefix + name_attr)
183 if el.tag == "label": 183 ↛ 184line 183 didn't jump to line 184 because the condition on line 183 was never true
184 for_attr = el.get("for")
185 if for_attr:
186 el.set("for", self.id_prefix + for_attr)
189class HeadingShiftingTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
190 """Shift levels of all Markdown headings according to the configured base level."""
192 name = "mkdocstrings_headings"
193 regex = re.compile(r"([Hh])([1-6])")
195 shift_by: int
196 """The number of heading "levels" to add to every heading. `<h2>` with `shift_by = 3` becomes `<h5>`."""
198 def __init__(self, md: Markdown, shift_by: int):
199 """Initialize the object.
201 Arguments:
202 md: A `markdown.Markdown` instance.
203 shift_by: The number of heading "levels" to add to every heading.
204 """
205 super().__init__(md)
206 self.shift_by = shift_by
208 def run(self, root: Element) -> None: # noqa: D102 (ignore missing docstring)
209 if not self.shift_by:
210 return
211 for el in root.iter():
212 match = self.regex.fullmatch(el.tag)
213 if match:
214 level = int(match[2]) + self.shift_by
215 level = max(1, min(level, 6))
216 el.tag = f"{match[1]}{level}"
219class _HeadingReportingTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
220 """Records the heading elements encountered in the document."""
222 name = "mkdocstrings_headings_list"
223 regex = re.compile(r"[Hh][1-6]")
225 headings: list[Element]
226 """The list (the one passed in the initializer) that is used to record the heading elements (by appending to it)."""
228 def __init__(self, md: Markdown, headings: list[Element]):
229 super().__init__(md)
230 self.headings = headings
232 def run(self, root: Element) -> None:
233 permalink_class =["toc"].permalink_class # type: ignore[attr-defined]
234 for el in root.iter():
235 if self.regex.fullmatch(el.tag):
236 el = copy.copy(el) # noqa: PLW2901
237 # 'toc' extension's first pass (which we require to build heading stubs/ids) also edits the HTML.
238 # Undo the permalink edit so we can pass this heading to the outer pass of the 'toc' extension.
239 if len(el) > 0 and el[-1].get("class") == permalink_class:
240 del el[-1]
241 self.headings.append(el)
244class ParagraphStrippingTreeprocessor(Treeprocessor):
245 """Unwraps the <p> element around the whole output."""
247 name = "mkdocstrings_strip_paragraph"
248 strip = False
250 def run(self, root: Element) -> Element | None: # noqa: D102 (ignore missing docstring)
251 if self.strip and len(root) == 1 and root[0].tag == "p": 251 ↛ 253line 251 didn't jump to line 253 because the condition on line 251 was never true
252 # Turn the single <p> element into the root element and inherit its tag name (it's significant!)
253 root[0].tag = root.tag
254 return root[0]
255 return None
258class MkdocstringsInnerExtension(Extension):
259 """Extension that should always be added to Markdown sub-documents that handlers request (and *only* them)."""
261 def __init__(self, headings: list[Element]):
262 """Initialize the object.
264 Arguments:
265 headings: A list that will be populated with all HTML heading elements encountered in the document.
266 """
267 super().__init__()
268 self.headings = headings
270 def extendMarkdown(self, md: Markdown) -> None: # noqa: N802 (casing: parent method's name)
271 """Register the extension.
273 Arguments:
274 md: A `markdown.Markdown` instance.
275 """
276 md.registerExtension(self)
277 md.treeprocessors.register(
278 HeadingShiftingTreeprocessor(md, 0),
280 priority=12,
281 )
282 md.treeprocessors.register(
283 IdPrependingTreeprocessor(md, ""),
285 priority=4, # Right after 'toc' (needed because that extension adds ids to headers).
286 )
287 md.treeprocessors.register(
288 _HeadingReportingTreeprocessor(md, self.headings),
290 priority=1, # Close to the end.
291 )
292 md.treeprocessors.register(
293 ParagraphStrippingTreeprocessor(md),
295 priority=0.99, # Close to the end.
296 )