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Griffe Sphinx¤

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Parse Sphinx-comments above attributes as docstrings.


This project is available to sponsors only, through my Insiders program. See Insiders explanation and installation instructions.


Griffe Sphinx allows reading Sphinx comments above attribute assignments as docstrings.


#: Summary of your attribute.
#: This is a longer description of your attribute.
#: You can use any markup in here (Markdown, AsciiDoc, rST, etc.).
#: Be careful with indented blocks: they need 4 spaces plus the initial 1-space indent, so 5.
#:     print("hello!")
your_attribute = "Hello Sphinx!"

This works for module attributes as well as class and instance attributes.

class Hello:
    #: Summary of attribute.
    attr1 = "hello"

    def __init__(self):
        #: Summary of attribute.
        self.attr2 = "sphinx"

Trailing comments (appearing at the end of a line) are not supported.

You can now enable the extension when loading data with Griffe on the command-line, in Python code or with MkDocs.

On the command-line:

griffe dump your_package -e griffe_sphinx

In Python code:

import griffe

data = griffe.load("your_package", extensions=griffe.load_extensions("griffe_sphinx"))

With MkDocs:

- mkdocstrings:
          - griffe_sphinx