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Downstream projects¤

Griffe is used by various projects in the Python ecosystem.


griffe2md outputs API docs in Markdown. It uses Griffe to load the data, and then use Jinja templates to render documentation in Markdown, just like mkdocstrings-python, but in Markdown instead of HTML.

Griffe TUI¤

Sponsors only

Griffe TUI is a textual user interface for Griffe. It offers 100% offline, beautiful Python API docs, in your terminal, thanks to Griffe and Textual.


quartodoc lets you quickly generate Python package API reference documentation using Markdown and Quarto. quartodoc is designed as an alternative to Sphinx. It uses Griffe to load API data and parse docstrings in order to render HTML documentation, just like mkdocstrings-python, but for Quarto instead of Mkdocs.


Pydanclick allows to use Pydantic models as Click options. It uses Griffe to parse docstrings and find Attributes sections, to help itself build Click options.


rafe is a tool for inspecting python environments and building packages (irrespective of language) in a reproducible manner. It wraps Griffe to provide a CLI command to check for API breaking changes.


Yapper converts Python docstrings to astro files for use by the Astro static site generator. It uses Griffe to parse Python modules and extracts Numpydoc-style docstrings.