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This extension reads docstrings for parameters, return values and more from type annotations using Annotated and the Doc class suggested in PEP 727. Documenting parameters and return values this way makes it possible to completely avoid relying on a particular "docstring style" (Google, Numpydoc, Sphinx, etc.) and just use plain markup in module/classes/function docstrings. Docstrings therefore do not have to be parsed at all.

from typing import Annotated as An
from typing_extensions import Doc

def function(
    param1: An[int, Doc("Some integer value.")],
    param2: An[
            Summary of the parameter.

            Multi-line docstrings can be used, as usual.
            Any **markup** is supported, as usual.
) -> An[bool, Doc("Whether you like PEP 727.")]:
    """Summary of the function.

    No more "Args", "Parameters" or "Returns" sections.
    Just plain markup.

PEP 727 is likely to be withdrawn or rejected, but the Doc class will remain in typing_extensions, as told by Jelle Zijlstra:

We’ll probably keep it in typing_extensions indefinitely even if the PEP gets withdrawn or rejected, for backwards compatibility reasons.

You are free to use it in your own code using the typing-extensions version. If usage of typing_extensions.Doc becomes widespread, that will be a good argument for accepting the PEP and putting it in the standard library.