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Python code best practicesΒ€

This document describes some best practices to adopt when using Griffe, or when writing Python code that will be analyzed by Griffe.

Avoid member-submodule name shadowingΒ€

Sometimes we find that an __init__ module defines or imports an object which has the same name as a submodule of the parent package.

Case 1

πŸ“ package/
└── πŸ“ subpackage/
thing = "thing from init module"
other_thing = "other thing from thing submodule"

We recommend not doing that.

Why? Because the package.subpackage.thing submodule can eventually shadow the package.subpackage.thing attribute. Try this:

# Replicate the file tree from above.
mkdir -p package/subpackage
echo 'thing = "thing from init module"' > package/subpackage/
echo 'other_thing = "other thing from thing submodule"' > package/subpackage/
# Run a Python interpreter.
>>> from package import subpackage
>>> subpackage.thing
'thing from init module'
>>> # OK, but...
>>> from package.subpackage.thing import other_thing
>>> subpackage.thing
<module 'package.subpackage.thing' from 'package/subpackage/'>

By simply importing from the thing submodule, the thing attribute of subpackage was overwritten by the thing submodule.

Case 2

In a particular case though, the situation improves: if we import thing in the init module instead of declaring it, then further imports will not overwrite anything:

from package.subpackage.thing import thing
thing = "thing from thing submodule"
# Update the modules.
echo 'from package.subpackage.thing import thing' > package/subpackage/
echo 'thing = "thing from thing submodule"' > package/subpackage/
# Run a Python interpreter.
>>> from package import subpackage
>>> subpackage.thing
'thing from thing'
>>> # OK
>>> from package.subpackage.thing import thing
>>> subpackage.thing
'thing from thing'
>>> # Still OK

From an API perspective, and given that both cases are very similar but differ in behavior, we recommend not doing that either.

If the goal is to isolate a single object into its own module, to then expose it in the parent module, then it would make sense that this object is the only object of the submodule to be exposed in the public API, and therefore the submodule could be marked as private by prefixing its name with an underscore:

πŸ“ package/
└── πŸ“ subpackage/

With this, there is no ambiguity as to what subpackage.thing points to.

For the reasons mentioned above, Griffe does not support this kind of name shadowing. During static analysis, the submodule will take precedence over the attribute. During dynamic analysis, Griffe's behavior is undefined.

Avoid wildcard importsΒ€

Wildcard imports allow importing from a module all objects that do not start with an underscore _, or all objects that are listed in the module's __all__ attribute, if it is defined.

πŸ“ package/

Explicitly exposed to wildcard imports

__all__ = [

class SomeClass: ...
class SomeOtherClass: ...

def some_function(): ...
def some_other_function(): ...

some_attribute = 0
some_other_attribute = 1

Implicitly exposed to wildcard imports

class SomeClass: ...
class _SomeOtherClass: ...

def some_function(): ...
def _some_other_function(): ...

some_attribute = 0
_some_other_attribute = 1

In both cases, using a wildcard import will only import SomeClass, some_function and some_attribute, and not their "other" counterparts:

from package.module import *

While we recommend declaring your public API with __all__ lists, we do not recommend using wildcard imports.

In the implicit case, any other object imported in will also be exported by the wildcard:

from somewhere_else import this, that

class SomeClass: ...
class _SomeOtherClass: ...

def some_function(): ...
def _some_other_function(): ...

some_attribute = 0
_some_other_attribute = 1

Here, this and that will also be imported when we do from package.module import *. To prevent that, we would have to alias these names as such:

from somewhere_else import this as _this, that as _that

...which is not ideal.

It gets even worse if itself uses wildcard imports:

from somewhere_else import *

Now using from package.module import * will import all objects that do not start with an underscore declared in the module, but also all the objects imported by it that do not start with an underscore, and also all the objects imported by the modules of the imported objects that do not start with an underscore, etc., recursively. Soon enough, we end up with dozens and dozens of objects exposed in package, while just a few of them are useful/meaningful to users.

Not only that, but it also increases the risk of creating cycles in imports. Python can handle some of these cycles, but static analysis tools such as Griffe can have a much harder time trying to resolve them.

In the explicit case, the situation improves, as only the objects listed in __all__ will be exported to the modules that wildcard imports them. It effectively stops namespace pollution, but it does not remove the risk of cyclic imports, only decreases it.

We have seen code bases where parent modules wildcard imports from submodules, while these submodules also wildcard imports from the parent modules... Python somehow handles this, but it is hell to handle statically, and it is just too error prone (cyclic imports, name shadowing, namespaces become dependent on the order of imports, etc.).

For these reasons, we recommend not using wildcard imports. Instead, we recommend declaring your public API explicitly with __all__, and combining __all__ lists together if needed:

πŸ“ package/

Completely explicit:

from package.module import only, needed, objects
from package.other_module import some, more

__all__ = [

def function(): ...

Combining __all__ lists:

from package.module import only, needed, objects, __all__ as module_all
from package.other_module import some, more, __all__ as other_module_all

__all__ = [

def function(): ...

Most Python linting tools allow you to forbid the use of wildcard imports.

Prefer canonical importsΒ€

Within your own code base, we recommend using canonical imports. By canonical, we mean importing objects from the module they are declared in, and not from another module that also imports them.

Given the following tree:

πŸ“ package/
from package.module_b import thing
thing = True

Don't do that:

from package.module_a import thing  # Indirect import, bad.

Instead, do this:

from package.module_b import thing  # Canonical import, good.

We especially recommend canonical imports over indirect imports from sibling modules passing through the parent:

from package.module_a import thing  # Canonical import, good.
thing = True
from package import thing  # Indirect import passing through parent, bad.

# Do this instead:
from package.module_a import thing  # Canonical import, good.

Similarly, avoid exposing the API of external packages from your own package and recommending to use this indirect API.
import numpy as np

__all__ = ["np"]  # Bad.

# Recommending users to do `from package import np`
# or `import package;`: bad.

Instead, let users import Numpy themselves, with import numpy as np. This will help other analysis tools, for example to detect that Numpy is used directly and should therefore be listed as a dependency. To quote PEP 8:

Imported names should always be considered an implementation detail. Other modules must not rely on indirect access to such imported names unless they are an explicitly documented part of the containing module’s API, such as os.path or a package’s __init__ module that exposes functionality from submodules.

Emphasis on exposes functionality from submodules: PEP 8 does not state exposing functionality from external packages.

Using canonical imports provides several benefits:

  • it can reduce the risk of cyclic imports
  • it can increase performance by reducing hoops and importing less things (for example by not passing through a parent module that imports many things from siblings modules)
  • it makes the code more readable and easier to refactor (less indirections)
  • it makes the life of static analysis tools easier (less indirections)

We recommend using the canonical-imports tool to automatically rewrite your imports as canonical.

Note however that we recommend using public imports (importing from the "public" locations rather than the canonical ones) when:

  • importing from other packages
  • importing from your own package within your tests suite

Apply these recommendations at your discretion: there may be other special cases where it might not make sense to use canonical imports.

Make your compiled objects tell their true locationΒ€

Python modules can be written in other languages (C, C++, Rust) and compiled. To extract information from such compiled modules, we have to use dynamic analysis, since sources are not available.

A practice that seems common in projects including compiled modules in their distributions is to make the compiled modules private (prefix their names with an underscore), and to expose their objects from a public module higher-up in the module layout, for example by wildcard importing everything from it.

πŸ“ package/
from package._module import *

Since the objects are exposed in package.module instead of package._module, developers sometimes decide to make their compiled objects lie about their location, and make them say that they are defined in package.module instead of package._module. Example:

>>> from package._module import MyObject
>>> MyObject.__module__

Don't do that.

When using dynamic analysis and inspecting modules, Griffe must distinguish objects that were declared in the inspected module from objects that were imported from other modules. The reason is that if we didn't care where objects come from, we could end up inspecting the same objects and their members again and again, since they can be imported in many places. This could lead to infinite loops, recursivity errors, and would generally decrease performance.

So, when Griffe inspects a member of the compiled _module, and this member lies and says it comes from package.module, Griffe thinks it was imported. It means that Griffe will record the object as an indirection, or alias, instead of visiting it in-place. But that is wrong: the object was actually declared in the module, and should not have been recorded as an indirection.

Fortunately, we were able to put some guard-rails in place, which means that the case above where the compiled and public modules have the same name, except for the leading underscore, is supported, and will not trigger errors. But other cases where modules have different names will trigger issues, and we have to special case them in Griffe itself, after issues are reported.

Please, use your framework features to correctly set the __module__ attribute of your objects (functions, classes and their methods too) as their canonical location, not their public location or any other location in the final package.

For example with PyO3:

// Your module is compiled and added as `_module` into `package`,
// but its objects are exposed in `package` or `package.module`.
// Set `module = "package._module"`, not `module = "package"` or `module = "package.module"`!
#[pyclass(name = "MyClass", module = "package._module")]
struct MyClass {
    // ...

Some modules of the standard library are guilty of this too, and do so inconsistently (ast and _ast, io and _io, depending on the Python version...). For this reason, when checking if an object was declared in the currently inspected module, Griffe ultimately considers that any qualified name is equal to itself with each component stripped from leading underscores:

a.b.c == _a.b.c
a.b.c == _a._b._c
a.__b._c == __a.b.c

When the qualified name of the object's parent module and the currently inspected module match like above, the object is inspected in-place (added as a member of the currently inspected module) instead of created as an alias.

Avoid forward references in base classesΒ€

Python's type system will let you use forward references in generic types when they are used as base classes. For example:

from typing import TypeVar, Generic

T = TypeVar('T')

class Foo(Generic[T]):

class FooBar(Foo['Bar']):

class Bar:
class Foo[T]:

class FooBar(Foo['Bar']):

class Bar:

While Griffe will load this code without error, the 'Bar' forward reference won't be resolved to the actual Bar class. As a consequence, downstream tools like documentation renderers won't be able to output a link to the Bar class. We therefore recommend to avoid using forward references in base classes, if possible.

Instead, you can try one of the following approach:

  • declare or import the Bar class earlier
  • declare a proper type:

    class Foo[T]:
    type TBar = Bar
    class FooBar(Foo[TBar]):
    class Bar:
  • make FooBar generic again but with a default type:

    class Foo[T]:
    class FooBar[T=Bar](Foo[T]):
    class Bar: