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Using Griffe as a docstring-parsing library¤

You can use Griffe to parse arbitrary docstrings. You don't have to load anything through the Griffe loader. You just need to import the Docstring class. Then you can build a Docstring instance and call its parse method, choosing the parsing-style to use:

from griffe.dataclasses import Docstring

text = "Hello I'm a docstring!"
docstring = Docstring(text, lineno=1)
parsed = docstring.parse("google")

If you want to take advantage of the parsers ability to fetch annotations from the object from which the docstring originates, you can manually create the parent objects and link them to the docstring:

from griffe.dataclasses import Docstring, Function, Parameters, Parameter, ParameterKind

function = Function(
        Parameter("param1", annotation="str", kind=ParameterKind.positional_or_keyword),
        Parameter("param2", annotation="int", kind=ParameterKind.keyword_only),
text = """
Hello I'm a docstring!

    param1: Description.
    param2: Description.
docstring = Docstring(text, lineno=1, parent=function)
parsed = docstring.parse("google")

With this the parser will fetch the str and int annotations from the parent function's parameters.