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Griffe is able to analyze code both statically and dynamically.

Main API¤

visit ¤

    module_name: str,
    filepath: Path,
    code: str,
    extensions: Extensions | None = None,
    parent: Module | None = None,
    docstring_parser: DocstringStyle | Parser | None = None,
    docstring_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    lines_collection: LinesCollection | None = None,
    modules_collection: ModulesCollection | None = None,
) -> Module

Parse and visit a module file.

We provide this function for static analysis. It uses a NodeVisitor-like class, the Visitor, to compile and parse code (using compile) then visit the resulting AST (Abstract Syntax Tree).


This function is generally not used directly. In most cases, users can rely on the GriffeLoader and its accompanying load shortcut and their respective options to load modules using static analysis.


  • module_name ¤

    (str) –

    The module name (as when importing [from] it).

  • filepath ¤

    (Path) –

    The module file path.

  • code ¤

    (str) –

    The module contents.

  • extensions ¤

    (Extensions | None, default: None ) –

    The extensions to use when visiting the AST.

  • parent ¤

    (Module | None, default: None ) –

    The optional parent of this module.

  • docstring_parser ¤

    (DocstringStyle | Parser | None, default: None ) –

    The docstring parser to use. By default, no parsing is done.

  • docstring_options ¤

    (dict[str, Any] | None, default: None ) –

    Additional docstring parsing options.

  • lines_collection ¤

    (LinesCollection | None, default: None ) –

    A collection of source code lines.

  • modules_collection ¤

    (ModulesCollection | None, default: None ) –

    A collection of modules.


  • Module

    The module, with its members populated.

inspect ¤

    module_name: str,
    filepath: Path | None = None,
    import_paths: Sequence[str | Path] | None = None,
    extensions: Extensions | None = None,
    parent: Module | None = None,
    docstring_parser: DocstringStyle | Parser | None = None,
    docstring_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    lines_collection: LinesCollection | None = None,
    modules_collection: ModulesCollection | None = None,
) -> Module

Inspect a module.

Sometimes we cannot get the source code of a module or an object, typically built-in modules like itertools. The only way to know what they are made of is to actually import them and inspect their contents.

Sometimes, even if the source code is available, loading the object is desired because it was created or modified dynamically, and our static agent is not powerful enough to infer all these dynamic modifications. In this case, we load the module using introspection.

Griffe therefore provides this function for dynamic analysis. It uses a NodeVisitor-like class, the Inspector, to inspect the module with inspect.getmembers().

The inspection agent works similarly to the regular Visitor agent, in that it maintains a state with the current object being handled, and recursively handle its members.


This function is generally not used directly. In most cases, users can rely on the GriffeLoader and its accompanying load shortcut and their respective options to load modules using dynamic analysis.


  • module_name ¤

    (str) –

    The module name (as when importing [from] it).

  • filepath ¤

    (Path | None, default: None ) –

    The module file path.

  • import_paths ¤

    (Sequence[str | Path] | None, default: None ) –

    Paths to import the module from.

  • extensions ¤

    (Extensions | None, default: None ) –

    The extensions to use when inspecting the module.

  • parent ¤

    (Module | None, default: None ) –

    The optional parent of this module.

  • docstring_parser ¤

    (DocstringStyle | Parser | None, default: None ) –

    The docstring parser to use. By default, no parsing is done.

  • docstring_options ¤

    (dict[str, Any] | None, default: None ) –

    Additional docstring parsing options.

  • lines_collection ¤

    (LinesCollection | None, default: None ) –

    A collection of source code lines.

  • modules_collection ¤

    (ModulesCollection | None, default: None ) –

    A collection of modules.


  • Module

    The module, with its members populated.

Advanced API¤

Visitor ¤

This class is used to instantiate a visitor.

Visitors iterate on AST nodes to extract data from them.


  • module_name ¤

    (str) –

    The module name.

  • filepath ¤

    (Path) –

    The module filepath.

  • code ¤

    (str) –

    The module source code.

  • extensions ¤

    (Extensions) –

    The extensions to use when visiting.

  • parent ¤

    (Module | None, default: None ) –

    An optional parent for the final module object.

  • docstring_parser ¤

    (DocstringStyle | Parser | None, default: None ) –

    The docstring parser to use.

  • docstring_options ¤

    (dict[str, Any] | None, default: None ) –

    The docstring parsing options.

  • lines_collection ¤

    (LinesCollection | None, default: None ) –

    A collection of source code lines.

  • modules_collection ¤

    (ModulesCollection | None, default: None ) –

    A collection of modules.



code instance-attribute ¤

code: str = code

The module source code.

current instance-attribute ¤

current: Module | Class = None

The current object being visited.

docstring_options instance-attribute ¤

docstring_options: dict[str, Any] = docstring_options or {}

The docstring parsing options.

docstring_parser instance-attribute ¤

docstring_parser: DocstringStyle | Parser | None = (

The docstring parser to use.

extensions instance-attribute ¤

extensions: Extensions = extensions

The extensions to use when visiting the AST.

filepath instance-attribute ¤

filepath: Path = filepath

The module filepath.

lines_collection instance-attribute ¤

lines_collection: LinesCollection = (
    lines_collection or LinesCollection()

A collection of source code lines.

module_name instance-attribute ¤

module_name: str = module_name

The module name.

modules_collection instance-attribute ¤

A collection of modules.

parent instance-attribute ¤

parent: Module | None = parent

An optional parent for the final module object.

type_guarded instance-attribute ¤

type_guarded: bool = False

Whether the current code branch is type-guarded.

decorators_to_labels ¤

    decorators: list[Decorator],
) -> set[str]

Build and return a set of labels based on decorators.



  • set[str]

    A set of labels.

generic_visit ¤

generic_visit(node: AST) -> None

Extend the base generic visit with extensions.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The node to visit.

get_base_property ¤

    decorators: list[Decorator], function: Function
) -> str | None

Check decorators to return the base property in case of setters and deleters.



  • base_property ( str | None ) –

    The property for which the setter/deleted is set.

  • property_function ( str | None ) –

    Either "setter" or "deleter".

get_module ¤

get_module() -> Module

Build and return the object representing the module attached to this visitor.

This method triggers a complete visit of the module nodes.


  • Module

    A module instance.

handle_attribute ¤

    node: Assign | AnnAssign,
    annotation: str | Expr | None = None,
) -> None

Handle an attribute (assignment) node.


  • node ¤

    (Assign | AnnAssign) –

    The node to visit.

  • annotation ¤

    (str | Expr | None, default: None ) –

    A potential annotation.

handle_function ¤

    node: AsyncFunctionDef | FunctionDef,
    labels: set | None = None,
) -> None

Handle a function definition node.


visit ¤

visit(node: AST) -> None

Extend the base visit with extensions.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The node to visit.

visit_annassign ¤

visit_annassign(node: AnnAssign) -> None

Visit an annotated assignment node.


visit_assign ¤

visit_assign(node: Assign) -> None

Visit an assignment node.


  • node ¤

    (Assign) –

    The node to visit.

visit_asyncfunctiondef ¤

visit_asyncfunctiondef(node: AsyncFunctionDef) -> None

Visit an async function definition node.


visit_augassign ¤

visit_augassign(node: AugAssign) -> None

Visit an augmented assignment node.


visit_classdef ¤

visit_classdef(node: ClassDef) -> None

Visit a class definition node.


visit_functiondef ¤

visit_functiondef(node: FunctionDef) -> None

Visit a function definition node.


visit_if ¤

visit_if(node: If) -> None

Visit an "if" node.


  • node ¤

    (If) –

    The node to visit.

visit_import ¤

visit_import(node: Import) -> None

Visit an import node.


  • node ¤

    (Import) –

    The node to visit.

visit_importfrom ¤

visit_importfrom(node: ImportFrom) -> None

Visit an "import from" node.


visit_module ¤

visit_module(node: Module) -> None

Visit a module node.


  • node ¤

    (Module) –

    The node to visit.

Inspector ¤

    module_name: str,
    filepath: Path | None,
    extensions: Extensions,
    parent: Module | None = None,
    docstring_parser: DocstringStyle | Parser | None = None,
    docstring_options: dict[str, Any] | None = None,
    lines_collection: LinesCollection | None = None,
    modules_collection: ModulesCollection | None = None,

This class is used to instantiate an inspector.

Inspectors iterate on objects members to extract data from them.


  • module_name ¤

    (str) –

    The module name.

  • filepath ¤

    (Path | None) –

    The optional filepath.

  • extensions ¤

    (Extensions) –

    Extensions to use when inspecting.

  • parent ¤

    (Module | None, default: None ) –

    The module parent.

  • docstring_parser ¤

    (DocstringStyle | Parser | None, default: None ) –

    The docstring parser to use.

  • docstring_options ¤

    (dict[str, Any] | None, default: None ) –

    The docstring parsing options.

  • lines_collection ¤

    (LinesCollection | None, default: None ) –

    A collection of source code lines.

  • modules_collection ¤

    (ModulesCollection | None, default: None ) –

    A collection of modules.



current instance-attribute ¤

current: Module | Class = None

The current object being inspected.

docstring_options instance-attribute ¤

docstring_options: dict[str, Any] = docstring_options or {}

The docstring parsing options.

docstring_parser instance-attribute ¤

docstring_parser: DocstringStyle | Parser | None = (

The docstring parser to use.

extensions instance-attribute ¤

extensions: Extensions = extensions

The extensions to use when inspecting.

filepath instance-attribute ¤

filepath: Path | None = filepath

The module file path.

lines_collection instance-attribute ¤

lines_collection: LinesCollection = (
    lines_collection or LinesCollection()

A collection of source code lines.

module_name instance-attribute ¤

module_name: str = module_name

The module name.

modules_collection instance-attribute ¤

A collection of modules.

parent instance-attribute ¤

parent: Module | None = parent

An optional parent for the final module object.

generic_inspect ¤

generic_inspect(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Extend the base generic inspection with extensions.


get_module ¤

    import_paths: Sequence[str | Path] | None = None,
) -> Module

Build and return the object representing the module attached to this inspector.

This method triggers a complete inspection of the module members.


  • import_paths ¤

    (Sequence[str | Path] | None, default: None ) –

    Paths replacing sys.path to import the module.


  • Module

    A module instance.

handle_attribute ¤

    node: ObjectNode, annotation: str | Expr | None = None
) -> None

Handle an attribute.


  • node ¤

    (ObjectNode) –

    The node to inspect.

  • annotation ¤

    (str | Expr | None, default: None ) –

    A potential annotation.

handle_function ¤

    node: ObjectNode, labels: set | None = None
) -> None

Handle a function.


  • node ¤

    (ObjectNode) –

    The node to inspect.

  • labels ¤

    (set | None, default: None ) –

    Labels to add to the data object.

inspect ¤

inspect(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Extend the base inspection with extensions.


inspect_attribute ¤

inspect_attribute(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect an attribute.


inspect_builtin_function ¤

inspect_builtin_function(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a builtin function.


inspect_builtin_method ¤

inspect_builtin_method(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a builtin method.


inspect_cached_property ¤

inspect_cached_property(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a cached property.


inspect_class ¤

inspect_class(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a class.


inspect_classmethod ¤

inspect_classmethod(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a class method.


inspect_coroutine ¤

inspect_coroutine(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a coroutine.


inspect_function ¤

inspect_function(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a function.


inspect_getset_descriptor ¤

inspect_getset_descriptor(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a get/set descriptor.


inspect_method ¤

inspect_method(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a method.


inspect_method_descriptor ¤

inspect_method_descriptor(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a method descriptor.


inspect_module ¤

inspect_module(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a module.


inspect_property ¤

inspect_property(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a property.


inspect_staticmethod ¤

inspect_staticmethod(node: ObjectNode) -> None

Inspect a static method.


Dynamic analysis helpers¤

sys_path ¤

sys_path(*paths: str | Path) -> Iterator[None]

Redefine sys.path temporarily.


  • *paths ¤

    (str | Path, default: () ) –

    The paths to use when importing modules. If no paths are given, keep sys.path untouched.


  • None


dynamic_import ¤

    import_path: str,
    import_paths: Sequence[str | Path] | None = None,
) -> Any

Dynamically import the specified object.

It can be a module, class, method, function, attribute, nested arbitrarily.

It works like this:

  • for a given object path a.b.x.y
  • it tries to import a.b.x.y as a module (with importlib.import_module)
  • if it fails, it tries again with a.b.x, storing y
  • then a.b, storing x.y
  • then a, storing b.x.y
  • if nothing worked, it raises an error
  • if one of the iteration worked, it moves on, and...
  • it tries to get the remaining (stored) parts with getattr
  • for example it gets b from a, then x from b, etc.
  • if a single attribute access fails, it raises an error
  • if everything worked, it returns the last obtained attribute

Since the function potentially tries multiple things before succeeding, all errors happening along the way are recorded, and re-emitted with an ImportError when it fails, to let users know what was tried.


The paths given through the import_paths parameter are used to temporarily patch sys.path: this function is therefore not thread-safe.


The paths given as import_paths must be correct. The contents of sys.path must be consistent to what a user of the imported code would expect. Given a set of paths, if the import fails for a user, it will fail here too, with potentially unintuitive errors. If we wanted to make this function more robust, we could add a loop to "roll the window" of given paths, shifting them to the left (for example: ("/a/a", "/a/b", "/a/c/"), then ("/a/b", "/a/c", "/a/a/"), then ("/a/c", "/a/a", "/a/b/")), to make sure each entry is given highest priority at least once, maintaining relative order, but we deem this unnecessary for now.


  • import_path ¤

    (str) –

    The path of the object to import.

  • import_paths ¤

    (Sequence[str | Path] | None, default: None ) –

    The (sys) paths to import the object from.


  • ModuleNotFoundError

    When the object's module could not be found.

  • ImportError

    When there was an import error or when couldn't get the attribute.


  • Any

    The imported object.

ObjectNode ¤

    obj: Any, name: str, parent: ObjectNode | None = None

Helper class to represent an object tree.

It's not really a tree but more a backward-linked list: each node has a reference to its parent, but not to its child (for simplicity purposes and to avoid bugs).

Each node stores an object, its name, and a reference to its parent node.


  • obj ¤

    (Any) –

    A Python object.

  • name ¤

    (str) –

    The object's name.

  • parent ¤

    (ObjectNode | None, default: None ) –

    The object's parent node.


alias_target_path cached property ¤

alias_target_path: str | None

Alias target path of this node, if the node should be an alias.

children cached property ¤

children: Sequence[ObjectNode]

The children of this node.

exclude_specials class-attribute ¤

exclude_specials: set[str] = {

Low level attributes known to cause issues when resolving aliases.

is_attribute cached property ¤

is_attribute: bool

Whether this node's object is an attribute.

is_builtin_function cached property ¤

is_builtin_function: bool

Whether this node's object is a builtin function.

is_builtin_method cached property ¤

is_builtin_method: bool

Whether this node's object is a builtin method.

is_cached_property instance-attribute ¤

is_cached_property: bool = is_cached_property

Whether this node's object is a cached property.

is_class cached property ¤

is_class: bool

Whether this node's object is a class.

is_classmethod cached property ¤

is_classmethod: bool

Whether this node's object is a classmethod.

is_coroutine cached property ¤

is_coroutine: bool

Whether this node's object is a coroutine.

is_function cached property ¤

is_function: bool

Whether this node's object is a function.

is_getset_descriptor cached property ¤

is_getset_descriptor: bool

Whether this node's object is a get/set descriptor.

is_method cached property ¤

is_method: bool

Whether this node's object is a method.

is_method_descriptor cached property ¤

is_method_descriptor: bool

Whether this node's object is a method descriptor.

Built-in methods (e.g. those implemented in C/Rust) are often method descriptors, rather than normal methods.

is_module cached property ¤

is_module: bool

Whether this node's object is a module.

is_property cached property ¤

is_property: bool

Whether this node's object is a property.

is_staticmethod cached property ¤

is_staticmethod: bool

Whether this node's object is a staticmethod.

kind property ¤

kind: ObjectKind

The kind of this node.

module property ¤

module: ObjectNode

The object's module, fetched from the node tree.

module_path property ¤

module_path: str | None

The object's module path.

name instance-attribute ¤

name: str = name

The Python object's name.

obj instance-attribute ¤

obj: Any = obj

The actual Python object.

parent instance-attribute ¤

parent: ObjectNode | None = parent

The parent node.

parent_is_class cached property ¤

parent_is_class: bool

Whether the object of this node's parent is a class.

path property ¤

path: str

The object's (Python) path.

ObjectKind ¤

Bases: str, Enum

              flowchart TD


              click griffe.ObjectKind href "" "griffe.ObjectKind"

Enumeration of the different runtime object kinds.


ATTRIBUTE class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

ATTRIBUTE = 'attribute'


BUILTIN_FUNCTION class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

BUILTIN_FUNCTION = 'builtin_function'

Built-in functions.

BUILTIN_METHOD class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

BUILTIN_METHOD = 'builtin_method'

Built-in methods.

CACHED_PROPERTY class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

CACHED_PROPERTY = 'cached_property'

Cached properties.

CLASS class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

CLASS = 'class'


CLASSMETHOD class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

CLASSMETHOD = 'classmethod'

Class methods.

COROUTINE class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

COROUTINE = 'coroutine'


FUNCTION class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

FUNCTION = 'function'


GETSET_DESCRIPTOR class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

GETSET_DESCRIPTOR = 'getset_descriptor'

Get/set descriptors.

METHOD class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

METHOD = 'method'


METHOD_DESCRIPTOR class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

METHOD_DESCRIPTOR = 'method_descriptor'

Method descriptors.

MODULE class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

MODULE = 'module'


PROPERTY class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

PROPERTY = 'property'


STATICMETHOD class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

STATICMETHOD = 'staticmethod'

Static methods.

Static analysis helpers¤

builtin_decorators module-attribute ¤

builtin_decorators = {
    "property": "property",
    "staticmethod": "staticmethod",
    "classmethod": "classmethod",

Mapping of builtin decorators to labels.

stdlib_decorators module-attribute ¤

stdlib_decorators = {
    "abc.abstractmethod": {"abstractmethod"},
    "functools.cache": {"cached"},
    "functools.cached_property": {"cached", "property"},
    "cached_property.cached_property": {
    "functools.lru_cache": {"cached"},
    "dataclasses.dataclass": {"dataclass"},

Mapping of standard library decorators to labels.

typing_overload module-attribute ¤

typing_overload = {

Set of recognized typing overload decorators.

When such a decorator is found, the decorated function becomes an overload.

ast_kind ¤

ast_kind(node: AST) -> str

Return the kind of an AST node.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The AST node.


  • str

    The node kind.

ast_children ¤

ast_children(node: AST) -> Iterator[AST]

Return the children of an AST node.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The AST node.


  • AST

    The node children.

ast_previous_siblings ¤

ast_previous_siblings(node: AST) -> Iterator[AST]

Return the previous siblings of this node, starting from the closest.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The AST node.


  • AST

    The previous siblings.

ast_next_siblings ¤

ast_next_siblings(node: AST) -> Iterator[AST]

Return the next siblings of this node, starting from the closest.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The AST node.


  • AST

    The next siblings.

ast_siblings ¤

ast_siblings(node: AST) -> Iterator[AST]

Return the siblings of this node.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The AST node.


  • AST

    The siblings.

ast_previous ¤

ast_previous(node: AST) -> AST

Return the previous sibling of this node.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The AST node.


  • LastNodeError

    When the node does not have previous siblings.


  • AST

    The sibling.

ast_next ¤

ast_next(node: AST) -> AST

Return the next sibling of this node.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The AST node.



  • AST

    The sibling.

ast_first_child ¤

ast_first_child(node: AST) -> AST

Return the first child of this node.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The AST node.



  • AST

    The child.

ast_last_child ¤

ast_last_child(node: AST) -> AST

Return the lasts child of this node.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The AST node.



  • AST

    The child.

get_docstring ¤

    node: AST, *, strict: bool = False
) -> tuple[str | None, int | None, int | None]

Extract a docstring.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The node to extract the docstring from.

  • strict ¤

    (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to skip searching the body (functions).


  • tuple[str | None, int | None, int | None]

    A tuple with the value and line numbers of the docstring.

get_name ¤

get_name(node: AST) -> str

Extract name from an assignment node.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The node to extract names from.


  • str

    A list of names.

get_names ¤

get_names(node: AST) -> list[str]

Extract names from an assignment node.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The node to extract names from.


get_instance_names ¤

get_instance_names(node: AST) -> list[str]

Extract names from an assignment node, only for instance attributes.


  • node ¤

    (AST) –

    The node to extract names from.


get__all__ ¤

Get the values declared in __all__.



safe_get__all__ ¤

Safely (no exception) extract values in __all__.



relative_to_absolute ¤

    node: ImportFrom, name: alias, current_module: Module
) -> str

Convert a relative import path to an absolute one.


  • node ¤

    (ImportFrom) –

    The "from ... import ..." AST node.

  • name ¤

    (alias) –

    The imported name.

  • current_module ¤

    (Module) –

    The module in which the import happens.


  • str

    The absolute import path.

get_parameters ¤

get_parameters(node: arguments) -> ParametersType

get_value ¤

get_value(node: AST | None) -> str | None

Get the string representation of a node.


  • node ¤

    (AST | None) –

    The node to represent.


  • str | None

    The representing code for the node.

safe_get_value ¤

    node: AST | None, filepath: str | Path | None = None
) -> str | None

Safely (no exception) get the string representation of a node.


  • node ¤

    (AST | None) –

    The node to represent.

  • filepath ¤

    (str | Path | None, default: None ) –

    An optional filepath from where the node comes.


  • str | None

    The representing code for the node.

Deprecated API¤

ExportedName dataclass ¤

ExportedName(name: str, parent: Module)

Deprecated. An intermediate class to store names.

The get__all__ function now returns instances of ExprName instead.


name instance-attribute ¤

name: str

The exported name.

parent instance-attribute ¤

parent: Module

The parent module.