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Docstring parsers¤

Main API¤

parse ¤

Parse the docstring.


  • docstring ¤

    (Docstring) –

    The docstring to parse.

  • parser ¤

    (DocstringStyle | Parser | None) –

    The docstring parser to use. If None, return a single text section.

  • **options ¤

    (Any, default: {} ) –

    The options accepted by the parser.


parse_auto ¤

Parse a docstring by automatically detecting the style it uses.

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See infer_docstring_style for more information on the available parameters.



parse_google ¤

Parse a Google-style docstring.

This function iterates on lines of a docstring to build sections. It then returns this list of sections.


  • docstring ¤

    (Docstring) –

    The docstring to parse.

  • ignore_init_summary ¤

    (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to ignore the summary in __init__ methods' docstrings.

  • trim_doctest_flags ¤

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to remove doctest flags from Python example blocks.

  • returns_multiple_items ¤

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to parse multiple items in Yields and Returns sections. When true, each item's continuation lines must be indented. When false (single item), no further indentation is required.

  • returns_named_value ¤

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to parse Yields and Returns section items as name and description, rather than type and description. When true, type must be wrapped in parentheses: (int): Description.. Names are optional: name (int): Description.. When false, parentheses are optional but the items cannot be named: int: Description.

  • receives_multiple_items ¤

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to parse multiple items in Receives sections. When true, each item's continuation lines must be indented. When false (single item), no further indentation is required.

  • receives_named_value ¤

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to parse Receives section items as name and description, rather than type and description. When true, type must be wrapped in parentheses: (int): Description.. Names are optional: name (int): Description.. When false, parentheses are optional but the items cannot be named: int: Description.

  • returns_type_in_property_summary ¤

    (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to parse the return type of properties at the beginning of their summary: str: Summary of the property.

  • warn_unknown_params ¤

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Warn about documented parameters not appearing in the signature.

  • **options ¤

    (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional parsing options.


parse_numpy ¤

Parse a Numpydoc-style docstring.

This function iterates on lines of a docstring to build sections. It then returns this list of sections.


  • docstring ¤

    (Docstring) –

    The docstring to parse.

  • ignore_init_summary ¤

    (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to ignore the summary in __init__ methods' docstrings.

  • trim_doctest_flags ¤

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to remove doctest flags from Python example blocks.

  • warn_unknown_params ¤

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Warn about documented parameters not appearing in the signature.

  • **options ¤

    (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional parsing options.


parse_sphinx ¤

Parse a Sphinx-style docstring.


  • docstring ¤

    (Docstring) –

    The docstring to parse.

  • warn_unknown_params ¤

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Warn about documented parameters not appearing in the signature.

  • **options ¤

    (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional parsing options.


DocstringStyle module-attribute ¤

DocstringStyle = Literal[
    "google", "numpy", "sphinx", "auto"

The supported docstring styles (literal values of the Parser enumeration).

Advanced API¤

Parser ¤

Bases: str, Enum

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              click griffe.Parser href "" "griffe.Parser"

Enumeration of the different docstring parsers.


  • auto

    Infer docstring parser.

  • google

    Google-style docstrings parser.

  • numpy

    Numpydoc-style docstrings parser.

  • sphinx

    Sphinx-style docstrings parser.

auto class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

auto = 'auto'

Infer docstring parser.

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google class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

google = 'google'

Google-style docstrings parser.

numpy class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

numpy = 'numpy'

Numpydoc-style docstrings parser.

sphinx class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

sphinx = 'sphinx'

Sphinx-style docstrings parser.

parse_docstring_annotation ¤

    annotation: str,
    docstring: Docstring,
    log_level: LogLevel = error,
) -> str | Expr

Parse a string into a true name or expression that can be resolved later.


  • annotation ¤

    (str) –

    The annotation to parse.

  • docstring ¤

    (Docstring) –

    The docstring in which the annotation appears. The docstring's parent is accessed to bind a resolver to the resulting name/expression.

  • log_level ¤

    (LogLevel, default: error ) –

    Log level to use to log a message.


  • str | Expr

    The string unchanged, or a new name or expression.

docstring_warning ¤

    docstring: Docstring,
    offset: int,
    message: str,
    log_level: LogLevel = warning,
) -> None

Log a warning when parsing a docstring.

This function logs a warning message by prefixing it with the filepath and line number.


  • docstring ¤

    (Docstring) –

    The docstring object.

  • offset ¤

    (int) –

    The offset in the docstring lines.

  • message ¤

    (str) –

    The message to log.


  • None

    A function used to log parsing warnings if name was passed, else none.

DocstringDetectionMethod module-attribute ¤

DocstringDetectionMethod = Literal[
    "heuristics", "max_sections"

The supported methods to infer docstring styles.

infer_docstring_style ¤

    docstring: Docstring,
    method: DocstringDetectionMethod = "heuristics",
    style_order: list[Parser]
    | list[DocstringStyle]
    | None = None,
    default: Parser | DocstringStyle | None = None,
    per_style_options: dict[
        Parser | DocstringStyle, dict[str, Any]
    | None = None,
    **options: Any,
) -> tuple[Parser | None, list[DocstringSection] | None]

Infer the parser to use for the docstring.

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The 'heuristics' method uses regular expressions. The 'max_sections' method parses the docstring with all parsers specified in style_order and returns the one who parsed the most sections.

If heuristics fail, the default parser is returned. If multiple parsers parsed the same number of sections, style_order is used to decide which one to return. The default parser is never used with the 'max_sections' method.

For non-Insiders versions, default is returned if specified, else the first parser in style_order is returned. If style_order is not specified, None is returned.

Additional options are parsed to the detected parser, if any.

