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Advanced API¤

ModuleFinder ¤

    search_paths: Sequence[str | Path] | None = None,

The Griffe finder, allowing to find modules on the file system.

The module finder is generally not used directly. Each GriffeLoader instance creates its own module finder instance. The finder can be configured when instantiating the loader thanks to the loader's search_paths parameter.


  • search_paths ¤

    (Sequence[str | Path] | None, default: None ) –

    Optional paths to search into.



accepted_py_module_extensions class-attribute ¤

accepted_py_module_extensions: list[str] = [

List of extensions supported by the finder.

extensions_set class-attribute ¤

extensions_set: set[str] = set(

Set of extensions supported by the finder.

search_paths instance-attribute ¤

search_paths: list[Path] = []

The finder search paths.

append_search_path ¤

append_search_path(path: Path) -> None

Append a search path.

The path will be resolved (absolute, normalized). The path won't be appended if it is already in the search paths list.


  • path ¤

    (Path) –

    The path to append.

find_package ¤

    module_name: str,
) -> Package | NamespacePackage

Find a package or namespace package.


  • module_name ¤

    (str) –

    The module name.



find_spec ¤

Find the top-level parent module of a module.

If a Path is passed, only try to find the module as a file path. If a string is passed, first try to find the module as a file path, then look into the search paths.


  • module ¤

    (str | Path) –

    The module name or path.

  • try_relative_path ¤

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether to try finding the module as a relative path, when the given module is not already a path.

  • find_stubs_package ¤

    (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to search for stubs-only package. If both the package and its stubs are found, they'll be merged together. If only the stubs are found, they'll be used as the package itself.


  • FileNotFoundError

    When a Path was passed and the module could not be found:

    • the directory has no file in it
    • the path does not exist
  • ModuleNotFoundError

    When a string was passed and the module could not be found:

    • no module/
    • no
    • no module.pth
    • no module directory (namespace packages)
    • or unsupported .pth file


insert_search_path ¤

insert_search_path(position: int, path: Path) -> None

Insert a search path at the given position.

The path will be resolved (absolute, normalized). The path won't be inserted if it is already in the search paths list.


  • position ¤

    (int) –

    The insert position in the list.

  • path ¤

    (Path) –

    The path to insert.

iter_submodules ¤

    path: Path | list[Path], seen: set | None = None
) -> Iterator[NamePartsAndPathType]

Iterate on a module's submodules, if any.


  • path ¤

    (Path | list[Path]) –

    The module path.

  • seen ¤

    (set | None, default: None ) –

    If not none, this set is used to skip some files. The goal is to replicate the behavior of Python by only using the first packages (with __init__ modules) of the same name found in different namespace packages. As soon as we find an __init__ module, we add its parent path to the seen set, which will be reused when scanning the next namespace packages.


  • name_parts ( tuple[str, ...] ) –

    The parts of a submodule name.

  • filepath ( Path ) –

    A submodule filepath.

submodules ¤

Return the list of a module's submodules.


  • module ¤

    (Module) –

    The parent module.


Package dataclass ¤

Package(name: str, path: Path, stubs: Path | None = None)

This class is a simple placeholder used during the process of finding packages.


  • name ¤

    (str) –

    The package name.

  • path ¤

    (Path) –

    The package path(s).

  • stubs ¤

    (Path | None, default: None ) –

    An optional path to the related stubs file (.pyi).


name instance-attribute ¤

name: str

Package name.

path instance-attribute ¤

path: Path

Package folder path.

stubs class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

stubs: Path | None = None

Package stubs file.

NamespacePackage dataclass ¤

NamespacePackage(name: str, path: list[Path])

This class is a simple placeholder used during the process of finding packages.


  • name ¤

    (str) –

    The package name.

  • path ¤

    (list[Path]) –

    The package paths.


name instance-attribute ¤

name: str

Namespace package name.

path instance-attribute ¤

path: list[Path]

Namespace package folder paths.


NamePartsType module-attribute ¤

NamePartsType = Tuple[str, ...]

Type alias for the parts of a module name.

NamePartsAndPathType module-attribute ¤

NamePartsAndPathType = Tuple[NamePartsType, Path]

Type alias for the parts of a module name and its path.