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Alias ¤

    name: str,
    target: str | Object | Alias,
    lineno: int | None = None,
    endlineno: int | None = None,
    runtime: bool = True,
    parent: Module | Class | Alias | None = None,
    inherited: bool = False,

Bases: ObjectAliasMixin

              flowchart TD

                              _griffe.mixins.ObjectAliasMixin --> griffe.Alias
                                _griffe.mixins.GetMembersMixin --> _griffe.mixins.ObjectAliasMixin
                _griffe.mixins.SetMembersMixin --> _griffe.mixins.ObjectAliasMixin
                _griffe.mixins.DelMembersMixin --> _griffe.mixins.ObjectAliasMixin
                _griffe.mixins.SerializationMixin --> _griffe.mixins.ObjectAliasMixin

              click griffe.Alias href "" "griffe.Alias"
              click _griffe.mixins.ObjectAliasMixin href "" "_griffe.mixins.ObjectAliasMixin"
              click _griffe.mixins.GetMembersMixin href "" "_griffe.mixins.GetMembersMixin"
              click _griffe.mixins.SetMembersMixin href "" "_griffe.mixins.SetMembersMixin"
              click _griffe.mixins.DelMembersMixin href "" "_griffe.mixins.DelMembersMixin"
              click _griffe.mixins.SerializationMixin href "" "_griffe.mixins.SerializationMixin"

This class represents an alias, or indirection, to an object declared in another module.

Aliases represent objects that are in the scope of a module or class, but were imported from another module.

They behave almost exactly like regular objects, to a few exceptions:

  • line numbers are those of the alias, not the target
  • the path is the alias path, not the canonical one
  • the name can be different from the target's
  • if the target can be resolved, the kind is the target's kind
  • if the target cannot be resolved, the kind becomes Kind.ALIAS


  • name ¤

    (str) –

    The alias name.

  • target ¤

    (str | Object | Alias) –

    If it's a string, the target resolution is delayed until accessing the target property. If it's an object, or even another alias, the target is immediately set.

  • lineno ¤

    (int | None, default: None ) –

    The alias starting line number.

  • endlineno ¤

    (int | None, default: None ) –

    The alias ending line number.

  • runtime ¤

    (bool, default: True ) –

    Whether this alias is present at runtime or not.

  • parent ¤

    (Module | Class | Alias | None, default: None ) –

    The alias parent.

  • inherited ¤

    (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether this alias wraps an inherited member.


  • __bool__

    An alias is always true-ish.

  • __delitem__

    Delete a member with its name or path.

  • __getitem__

    Get a member with its name or path.

  • __len__

    The length of an alias is always 1.

  • __setitem__

    Set a member with its name or path.

  • as_dict

    Return this alias' data as a dictionary.

  • as_json

    Return this target's data as a JSON string.

  • del_member

    Delete a member with its name or path.

  • filter_members

    Filter and return members based on predicates.

  • from_json

    Create an instance of this class from a JSON string.

  • get_member

    Get a member with its name or path.

  • has_labels

    Tell if this object has all the given labels.

  • is_kind

    Tell if this object is of the given kind.

  • mro

    Return a list of classes in order corresponding to Python's MRO.

  • resolve

    Resolve a name within this object's and parents' scope.

  • resolve_target

    Resolve the target.

  • set_member

    Set a member with its name or path.


alias_endlineno instance-attribute ¤

alias_endlineno: int | None = endlineno

The ending line number of the alias.

alias_lineno instance-attribute ¤

alias_lineno: int | None = lineno

The starting line number of the alias.

aliases property ¤

aliases: dict[str, Alias]

The aliases pointing to this object.

all_members property ¤

all_members: dict[str, Object | Alias]

All members (declared and inherited).

This method is part of the consumer API: do not use when producing Griffe trees!

annotation property writable ¤

annotation: str | Expr | None

The attribute type annotation.

attributes property ¤

attributes: dict[str, Attribute]

The attribute members.

This method is part of the consumer API: do not use when producing Griffe trees!

bases property ¤

bases: list[Expr | str]

The class bases.

See also: Class, resolved_bases, mro.

canonical_path property ¤

canonical_path: str

The full dotted path of this object.

The canonical path is the path where the object was defined (not imported).

See also: path.

classes property ¤

classes: dict[str, Class]

The class members.

This method is part of the consumer API: do not use when producing Griffe trees!

decorators property ¤

decorators: list[Decorator]

The class/function decorators.

See also: Function, Class.

deleter property ¤

deleter: Function | None

The deleter linked to this function (property).

deprecated instance-attribute ¤

deprecated: str | bool | None = None

Whether this alias is deprecated (boolean or deprecation message).

docstring property writable ¤

docstring: Docstring | None

endlineno property ¤

endlineno: int | None

The ending line number of the target object.

See also: lineno.

exports property ¤

exports: list[str | ExprName] | None

The names of the objects exported by this (module) object through the __all__ variable.

Exports can contain string (object names) or resolvable names, like other lists of exports coming from submodules:

from .submodule import __all__ as submodule_all

__all__ = ["hello", *submodule_all]

Exports get expanded by the loader before it expands wildcards and resolves aliases.

See also: GriffeLoader.expand_exports.

extra property ¤

extra: dict

Namespaced dictionaries storing extra metadata for this object, used by extensions.

filepath property ¤

filepath: Path | list[Path]

The file path (or directory list for namespace packages) where this object was defined.

See also: relative_filepath, relative_package_filepath.

final_target property ¤

final_target: Object

The final, resolved target, if possible.

This will iterate through the targets until a non-alias object is found.

See also: target, resolve_target, resolved.

functions property ¤

functions: dict[str, Function]

The function members.

This method is part of the consumer API: do not use when producing Griffe trees!

has_docstring property ¤

has_docstring: bool

Whether this alias' target has a non-empty docstring.

See also: has_docstrings, docstring.

has_docstrings property ¤

has_docstrings: bool

Whether this alias' target or any of its members has a non-empty docstring.

See also: has_docstring, docstring.

imports property ¤

imports: dict[str, str]

The other objects imported by this alias' target.

Keys are the names within the object (from ... import ... as AS_NAME), while the values are the actual names of the objects (from ... import REAL_NAME as ...).

See also: is_imported.

imports_future_annotations property ¤

imports_future_annotations: bool

Whether this module import future annotations.

inherited instance-attribute ¤

inherited: bool = inherited

Whether this alias represents an inherited member.

inherited_members property ¤

inherited_members: dict[str, Alias]

Members that are inherited from base classes.

Each inherited member of the target will be wrapped in an alias, to preserve correct object access paths.

This method is part of the consumer API: do not use when producing Griffe trees!

See also: members.

is_alias class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

is_alias: bool = True

is_attribute property ¤

is_attribute: bool

Whether this object is an attribute.

See also: is_module, is_class, is_function, is_alias, is_kind.

is_class property ¤

is_class: bool

is_class_private property ¤

is_class_private: bool

Whether this object/alias is class-private (starts with __ and is a class member).

is_collection class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

is_collection: bool = False

Always false for aliases.

See also: ModulesCollection.

is_deprecated property ¤

is_deprecated: bool

Whether this object is deprecated.

is_exported property ¤

is_exported: bool

Whether this object/alias is exported (listed in __all__).

is_function property ¤

is_function: bool

is_imported property ¤

is_imported: bool

Whether this object/alias was imported from another module.

is_init_module property ¤

is_init_module: bool

Whether this module is an module.

See also: is_module.

is_module property ¤

is_module: bool

is_namespace_package property ¤

is_namespace_package: bool

Whether this module is a namespace package (top folder, no

See also: is_namespace_subpackage.

is_namespace_subpackage property ¤

is_namespace_subpackage: bool

Whether this module is a namespace subpackage.

See also: is_namespace_package.

is_package property ¤

is_package: bool

Whether this module is a package (top module).

See also: is_subpackage.

is_private property ¤

is_private: bool

Whether this object/alias is private (starts with _) but not special.

is_public property ¤

is_public: bool

Whether this object is considered public.

In modules, developers can mark objects as public thanks to the __all__ variable. In classes however, there is no convention or standard to do so.

Therefore, to decide whether an object is public, we follow this algorithm:

  • If the object's public attribute is set (boolean), return its value.
  • If the object is listed in its parent's (a module) __all__ attribute, it is public.
  • If the parent (module) defines __all__ and the object is not listed in, it is private.
  • If the object has a private name, it is private.
  • If the object was imported from another module, it is private.
  • Otherwise, the object is public.

is_special property ¤

is_special: bool

Whether this object/alias is special ("dunder" attribute/method, starts and end with __).

is_subpackage property ¤

is_subpackage: bool

Whether this module is a subpackage.

See also: is_package.

is_wildcard_exposed property ¤

is_wildcard_exposed: bool

Whether this object/alias is exposed to wildcard imports.

To be exposed to wildcard imports, an object/alias must:

  • be available at runtime
  • have a module as parent
  • be listed in __all__ if __all__ is defined
  • or not be private (having a name starting with an underscore)

Special case for Griffe trees: a submodule is only exposed if its parent imports it.


  • bool

    True or False.

kind property ¤

kind: Kind

The target's kind, or Kind.ALIAS if the target cannot be resolved.

See also: is_kind.

labels property ¤

labels: set[str]

The target labels (property, dataclass, etc.).

See also: has_labels.

lineno property ¤

lineno: int | None

The starting line number of the target object.

See also: endlineno.

lines property ¤

lines: list[str]

The lines containing the source of this object.

See also: source, lines_collection.

lines_collection property ¤

lines_collection: LinesCollection

The lines collection attached to this object or its parents.

See also: lines, source.


  • ValueError

    When no modules collection can be found in the object or its parents.

members property ¤

members: dict[str, Object | Alias]

The target's members (modules, classes, functions, attributes).

See also: inherited_members, get_member, set_member, filter_members.

module property ¤

module: Module

The parent module of this object.

See also: package.


  • ValueError

    When the object is not a module and does not have a parent.

modules property ¤

modules: dict[str, Module]

The module members.

This method is part of the consumer API: do not use when producing Griffe trees!

modules_collection property ¤

modules_collection: ModulesCollection

The modules collection attached to the alias parents.

name instance-attribute ¤

name: str = name

The alias name.

overloads property writable ¤

overloads: dict[str, list[Function]] | list[Function] | None

The overloaded signatures declared in this class/module or for this function.

package property ¤

package: Module

The absolute top module (the package) of this object.

See also: module.

parameters property ¤

parameters: Parameters

The parameters of the current function or __init__ method for classes.

This property can fetch inherited members, and therefore is part of the consumer API: do not use when producing Griffe trees!

parent property writable ¤

parent: Module | Class | Alias | None

The parent of this alias.

path property ¤

path: str

The dotted path / import path of this object.

See also: canonical_path.

public instance-attribute ¤

public: bool | None = None

Whether this alias is public.

relative_filepath property ¤

relative_filepath: Path

The file path where this object was defined, relative to the current working directory.

If this object's file path is not relative to the current working directory, return its absolute path.

See also: filepath, relative_package_filepath.


  • ValueError

    When the relative path could not be computed.

relative_package_filepath property ¤

relative_package_filepath: Path

The file path where this object was defined, relative to the top module path.

See also: filepath, relative_filepath.


  • ValueError

    When the relative path could not be computed.

resolved property ¤

resolved: bool

Whether this alias' target is resolved.

resolved_bases property ¤

resolved_bases: list[Object]

Resolved class bases.

This method is part of the consumer API: do not use when producing Griffe trees!

returns property writable ¤

returns: str | Expr | None

The function return type annotation.

runtime instance-attribute ¤

runtime: bool = runtime

Whether this alias is available at runtime.

setter property ¤

setter: Function | None

The setter linked to this function (property).

source property ¤

source: str

The source code of this object.

See also: lines, lines_collection.

target property writable ¤

target: Object | Alias

The resolved target (actual object), if possible.

Upon accessing this property, if the target is not already resolved, a lookup is done using the modules collection to find the target.

See also: final_target, resolve_target, resolved.

target_path instance-attribute ¤

target_path: str

The path of this alias' target.

value property ¤

value: str | Expr | None

The attribute value.

wildcard property ¤

wildcard: str | None

The module on which the wildcard import is performed (if any).

See also: GriffeLoader.expand_wildcards.

__bool__ ¤

__bool__() -> bool

An alias is always true-ish.

__delitem__ ¤

__delitem__(key: str | Sequence[str]) -> None

Delete a member with its name or path.

This method is part of the consumer API: do not use when producing Griffe trees!

Members will be looked up in both declared members and inherited ones, triggering computation of the latter.



>>> del griffe_object["foo"]
>>> del griffe_object[""]
>>> del griffe_object[("path", "to", "qux")]

__getitem__ ¤

__getitem__(key: str | Sequence[str]) -> Any

Get a member with its name or path.

This method is part of the consumer API: do not use when producing Griffe trees!

Members will be looked up in both declared members and inherited ones, triggering computation of the latter.



>>> foo = griffe_object["foo"]
>>> bar = griffe_object[""]
>>> qux = griffe_object[("path", "to", "qux")]

__len__ ¤

__len__() -> int

The length of an alias is always 1.

__setitem__ ¤

    key: str | Sequence[str], value: Object | Alias
) -> None

Set a member with its name or path.

This method is part of the consumer API: do not use when producing Griffe trees!



>>> griffe_object["foo"] = foo
>>> griffe_object[""] = bar
>>> griffe_object[("path", "to", "qux")] = qux

as_dict ¤

    *, full: bool = False, **kwargs: Any
) -> dict[str, Any]

Return this alias' data as a dictionary.

See also: as_json.


  • full ¤

    (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to return full info, or just base info.

  • **kwargs ¤

    (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional serialization options.


as_json ¤

as_json(*, full: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> str

Return this target's data as a JSON string.

See also: as_dict.


  • full ¤

    (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to return full info, or just base info.

  • **kwargs ¤

    (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional serialization options passed to encoder.


  • str

    A JSON string.

del_member ¤

del_member(key: str | Sequence[str]) -> None

Delete a member with its name or path.

This method is part of the producer API: you can use it safely while building Griffe trees (for example in Griffe extensions).

Members will be looked up in declared members only, not inherited ones.



>>> griffe_object.del_member("foo")
>>> griffe_object.del_member("")
>>> griffe_object.del_member(("path", "to", "qux"))

filter_members ¤

    *predicates: Callable[[Object | Alias], bool],
) -> dict[str, Object | Alias]

Filter and return members based on predicates.

See also: members, get_member, set_member.


  • *predicates ¤

    (Callable[[Object | Alias], bool], default: () ) –

    A list of predicates, i.e. callables accepting a member as argument and returning a boolean.


from_json classmethod ¤

from_json(json_string: str, **kwargs: Any) -> _ObjType

Create an instance of this class from a JSON string.


  • json_string ¤

    (str) –

    JSON to decode into Object.

  • **kwargs ¤

    (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional options passed to decoder.


  • _ObjType

    An Object instance.


  • TypeError

    When the json_string does not represent and object of the class from which this classmethod has been called.

get_member ¤

get_member(key: str | Sequence[str]) -> Any

Get a member with its name or path.

This method is part of the producer API: you can use it safely while building Griffe trees (for example in Griffe extensions).

Members will be looked up in declared members only, not inherited ones.



>>> foo = griffe_object["foo"]
>>> bar = griffe_object[""]
>>> bar = griffe_object[("path", "to", "bar")]

has_labels ¤

has_labels(*labels: str) -> bool

Tell if this object has all the given labels.

See also: labels.


  • *labels ¤

    (str, default: () ) –

    Labels that must be present.


  • bool

    True or False.

is_kind ¤

is_kind(kind: str | Kind | set[str | Kind]) -> bool

Tell if this object is of the given kind.

See also: is_module, is_class, is_function, is_attribute, is_alias.


  • kind ¤

    (str | Kind | set[str | Kind]) –

    An instance or set of kinds (strings or enumerations).


  • ValueError

    When an empty set is given as argument.


  • bool

    True or False.

mro ¤

mro() -> list[Class]

Return a list of classes in order corresponding to Python's MRO.

resolve ¤

resolve(name: str) -> str

Resolve a name within this object's and parents' scope.


  • name ¤

    (str) –

    The name to resolve.



  • str

    The resolved name.

resolve_target ¤

resolve_target() -> None

Resolve the target.

See also: target, final_target, resolved.


  • AliasResolutionError

    When the target cannot be resolved. It happens when the target does not exist, or could not be loaded (unhandled dynamic object?), or when the target is from a module that was not loaded and added to the collection.

  • CyclicAliasError

    When the resolved target is the alias itself.

set_member ¤

    key: str | Sequence[str], value: Object | Alias
) -> None

Set a member with its name or path.

This method is part of the producer API: you can use it safely while building Griffe trees (for example in Griffe extensions).



>>> griffe_object.set_member("foo", foo)
>>> griffe_object.set_member("", bar)
>>> griffe_object.set_member(("path", "to", "qux"), qux)