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Try Griffe in your browser¤

Try Griffe directly in your browser thanks to Pyodide! You can click the "Run" button in the top-right corner of each editor, or hit Ctrl+Enter to run the code.

In the following example, we import griffe and use it to load itself. Then we output the signature of the Function class as JSON.

Editor (session: default) Run
import griffe
griffe_pkg = griffe.load("griffe")
Output Clear

Try it out with another package of your choice! Just replace your-dist-name with a package's distribution name, and your_package_name with the package's import name:

Editor (session: default) Run
import micropip
await micropip.install("your-dist-name")
data = griffe.load("your_package_name")
data.as_json(indent=2)[:1000]  # truncate to a thousand characters...
Output Clear