mkdocstrings-python Insiders¤
1.12.0 March 24, 2025¤
1.11.0 March 20, 2025¤
1.10.0 March 10, 2025¤
1.9.1 December 26, 2024¤
- Re-add class template for RTD theme
- Make inheritance diagrams rendering more robust
1.9.0 September 03, 2024¤
1.8.3 June 19, 2024¤
- Update code for Griffe 0.46+ to avoid deprecation warnings
1.8.2 May 09, 2024¤
- Don't render cross-refs for default values when signatures aren't separated
1.8.1 April 19, 2024¤
- Render enumeration instance name instead of just "value", allowing proper cross-reference
1.8.0 March 24, 2024¤
1.7.0 March 24, 2024¤
1.6.0 January 30, 2024¤
- Render cross-references to parameters documentation in signatures and attribute values.
- Add
option to render headings for parameters (enabling permalinks and ToC/inventory entries). - Render cross-references for default parameter values in signatures.
1.5.1 September 12, 2023¤
- Prevent empty auto-summarized Methods section.
1.5.0 September 05, 2023¤
- Render function signature overloads.
1.4.0 August 27, 2023¤
- Render cross-references in attribute signatures.
1.3.0 August 24, 2023¤
- Add "method" symbol type.
1.2.0 August 20, 2023¤
1.1.4 July 17, 2023¤
- Fix heading level increment for class members.
1.1.3 July 17, 2023¤
- Fix heading level (avoid with clause preventing to decrease it).
1.1.2 July 15, 2023¤
- Use non-breaking spaces after symbol types.
1.1.1 June 27, 2023¤
- Correctly escape expressions in signatures and other rendered types.
1.1.0 June 4, 2023¤
1.0.0 May 10, 2023¤
- Add cross-references for type annotations in signatures. Make sure to update your local templates as the signature of the
filter has changed. The templates that must be updated:class.html