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16 statements
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1"""This module simply defines regular expressions and their associated predicates."""
3import re
4from re import Pattern
5from typing import Callable
7ApplicableNameProperty = tuple[str, Callable[[str], bool]]
9# exactly two leading underscores, exactly two trailing underscores
10# since we enforce one non-underscore after the two leading underscores,
11# we put the rest in an optional group
12RE_SPECIAL: Pattern = re.compile(r"^__[^_]([\w_]*[^_])?__$")
13"""Regular expression to match `__special__` names."""
15# at least two leading underscores, at most one trailing underscore
16# since we enforce one non-underscore before the last,
17# we make the previous characters optional with an asterisk
18RE_CLASS_PRIVATE: Pattern = re.compile(r"^__[\w_]*[^_]_?$")
19"""Regular expression to match `__class_private` names."""
21# at most one leading underscore, then whatever
22RE_PRIVATE: Pattern = re.compile(r"^_[^_][\w_]*$")
23"""Regular expression to match `_private` names."""
25NAME_SPECIAL: ApplicableNameProperty = ("special", lambda name: bool(RE_SPECIAL.match(name)))
26"""Applicable property: `special`."""
28NAME_CLASS_PRIVATE: ApplicableNameProperty = ("class-private", lambda name: bool(RE_CLASS_PRIVATE.match(name)))
29"""Applicable property: `class-private`."""
31NAME_PRIVATE: ApplicableNameProperty = ("private", lambda name: bool(RE_PRIVATE.match(name)))
32"""Applicable property: `private`."""