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base ¤

Base module for handlers.

This module contains the base classes for implementing handlers.



  • do_any

    Check if at least one of the item in the sequence evaluates to true.

BaseHandler ¤

    handler: str,
    theme: str,
    custom_templates: str | None = None,

The base handler class.

Inherit from this class to implement a handler.

You will have to implement the collect and render methods. You can also implement the teardown method, and override the update_env method, to add more filters to the Jinja environment, making them available in your Jinja templates.

To define a fallback theme, add a fallback_theme class-variable. To add custom CSS, add an extra_css variable or create an 'style.css' file beside the templates.

If the given theme is not supported (it does not exist), it will look for a fallback_theme attribute in self to use as a fallback theme.


  • handler ¤

    (str) –

    The name of the handler.

  • theme ¤

    (str) –

    The name of theme to use.

  • custom_templates ¤

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    Directory containing custom templates.


  • collect

    Collect data given an identifier and user configuration.

  • do_convert_markdown

    Render Markdown text; for use inside templates.

  • do_heading

    Render an HTML heading and register it for the table of contents. For use inside templates.

  • get_anchors

    Return the possible identifiers (HTML anchors) for a collected item.

  • get_extended_templates_dirs

    Load template extensions for the given handler, return their templates directories.

  • get_headings

    Return and clear the headings gathered so far.

  • get_templates_dir

    Return the path to the handler's templates directory.

  • load_inventory

    Yield items and their URLs from an inventory file streamed from in_file.

  • render

    Render a template using provided data and configuration options.

  • teardown

    Teardown the handler.

  • update_env

    Update the Jinja environment.


  • domain (str) –

    The handler's domain, used to register objects in the inventory, for example "py".

  • enable_inventory (bool) –

    Whether the inventory creation is enabled.

  • extra_css

    Extra CSS.

  • fallback_config (dict) –

    Fallback configuration when searching anchors for identifiers.

  • fallback_theme (str) –

    Fallback theme to use when a template isn't found in the configured theme.

  • name (str) –

    The handler's name, for example "python".

domain class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

domain: str = 'default'

The handler's domain, used to register objects in the inventory, for example "py".

enable_inventory class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

enable_inventory: bool = False

Whether the inventory creation is enabled.

extra_css class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

extra_css = ''

Extra CSS.

fallback_config class-attribute ¤

fallback_config: dict = {}

Fallback configuration when searching anchors for identifiers.

fallback_theme class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

fallback_theme: str = ''

Fallback theme to use when a template isn't found in the configured theme.

name class-attribute instance-attribute ¤

name: str = ''

The handler's name, for example "python".

collect ¤

    identifier: str, config: MutableMapping[str, Any]
) -> CollectorItem

Collect data given an identifier and user configuration.

In the implementation, you typically call a subprocess that returns JSON, and load that JSON again into a Python dictionary for example, though the implementation is completely free.


  • identifier ¤

    (str) –

    An identifier for which to collect data. For example, in Python, it would be 'mkdocstrings.handlers' to collect documentation about the handlers module. It can be anything that you can feed to the tool of your choice.

  • config ¤

    (MutableMapping[str, Any]) –

    The handler's configuration options.


  • CollectorItem

    Anything you want, as long as you can feed it to the handler's render method.

do_convert_markdown ¤

    text: str,
    heading_level: int,
    html_id: str = "",
    strip_paragraph: bool = False,
    autoref_hook: AutorefsHookInterface | None = None
) -> Markup

Render Markdown text; for use inside templates.


  • text ¤

    (str) –

    The text to convert.

  • heading_level ¤

    (int) –

    The base heading level to start all Markdown headings from.

  • html_id ¤

    (str, default: '' ) –

    The HTML id of the element that's considered the parent of this element.

  • strip_paragraph ¤

    (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to exclude the

    tag from around the whole output.


  • Markup

    An HTML string.

do_heading ¤

    content: Markup,
    heading_level: int,
    role: str | None = None,
    hidden: bool = False,
    toc_label: str | None = None,
    **attributes: str
) -> Markup

Render an HTML heading and register it for the table of contents. For use inside templates.


  • content ¤

    (Markup) –

    The HTML within the heading.

  • heading_level ¤

    (int) –

    The level of heading (e.g. 3 -> h3).

  • role ¤

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    An optional role for the object bound to this heading.

  • hidden ¤

    (bool, default: False ) –

    If True, only register it for the table of contents, don't render anything.

  • toc_label ¤

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The title to use in the table of contents ('data-toc-label' attribute).

  • **attributes ¤

    (str, default: {} ) –

    Any extra HTML attributes of the heading.


  • Markup

    An HTML string.

get_anchors ¤

get_anchors(data: CollectorItem) -> tuple[str, ...]

Return the possible identifiers (HTML anchors) for a collected item.


  • data ¤

    (CollectorItem) –

    The collected data.


  • tuple[str, ...]

    The HTML anchors (without '#'), or an empty tuple if this item doesn't have an anchor.

get_extended_templates_dirs ¤

get_extended_templates_dirs(handler: str) -> list[Path]

Load template extensions for the given handler, return their templates directories.


  • handler ¤

    (str) –

    The name of the handler to get the extended templates directory of.


  • list[Path]

    The extensions templates directories.

get_headings ¤

get_headings() -> Sequence[Element]

Return and clear the headings gathered so far.


get_templates_dir ¤

get_templates_dir(handler: str | None = None) -> Path

Return the path to the handler's templates directory.

Override to customize how the templates directory is found.


  • handler ¤

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The name of the handler to get the templates directory of.



  • Path

    The templates directory path.

load_inventory classmethod ¤

    in_file: BinaryIO,
    url: str,
    base_url: str | None = None,
    **kwargs: Any,
) -> Iterator[tuple[str, str]]

Yield items and their URLs from an inventory file streamed from in_file.


  • in_file ¤

    (BinaryIO) –

    The binary file-like object to read the inventory from.

  • url ¤

    (str) –

    The URL that this file is being streamed from (used to guess base_url).

  • base_url ¤

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The URL that this inventory's sub-paths are relative to.

  • **kwargs ¤

    (Any, default: {} ) –

    Ignore additional arguments passed from the config.


  • tuple[str, str]

    Tuples of (item identifier, item URL).

render ¤

    data: CollectorItem, config: Mapping[str, Any]
) -> str

Render a template using provided data and configuration options.


  • data ¤

    (CollectorItem) –

    The collected data to render.

  • config ¤

    (Mapping[str, Any]) –

    The handler's configuration options.


  • str

    The rendered template as HTML.

teardown ¤

teardown() -> None

Teardown the handler.

This method should be implemented to, for example, terminate a subprocess that was started when creating the handler instance.

update_env ¤

update_env(md: Markdown, config: dict) -> None

Update the Jinja environment.


  • md ¤

    (Markdown) –

    The Markdown instance. Useful to add functions able to convert Markdown into the environment filters.

  • config ¤

    (dict) –

    Configuration options for mkdocs and mkdocstrings, read from mkdocs.yml. See the source code of mkdocstrings.plugin.MkdocstringsPlugin.on_config to see what's in this dictionary.

CollectionError ¤

Bases: Exception

An exception raised when some collection of data failed.

Handlers ¤

Handlers(config: dict)

A collection of handlers.

Do not instantiate this directly. The plugin will keep one instance of this for the purpose of caching. Use mkdocstrings.plugin.MkdocstringsPlugin.get_handler for convenient access.



  • get_anchors

    Return the canonical HTML anchor for the identifier, if any of the seen handlers can collect it.

  • get_handler

    Get a handler thanks to its name.

  • get_handler_config

    Return the global configuration of the given handler.

  • get_handler_name

    Return the handler name defined in an "autodoc" instruction YAML configuration, or the global default handler.

  • teardown

    Teardown all cached handlers and clear the cache.


seen_handlers property ¤

seen_handlers: Iterable[BaseHandler]

Get the handlers that were encountered so far throughout the build.


get_anchors ¤

get_anchors(identifier: str) -> tuple[str, ...]

Return the canonical HTML anchor for the identifier, if any of the seen handlers can collect it.


  • identifier ¤

    (str) –

    The identifier (one that collect can accept).


  • tuple[str, ...]

    A tuple of strings - anchors without '#', or an empty tuple if there isn't any identifier familiar with it.

get_handler ¤

    name: str, handler_config: dict | None = None
) -> BaseHandler

Get a handler thanks to its name.

This function dynamically imports a module named "mkdocstrings.handlers.NAME", calls its get_handler method to get an instance of a handler, and caches it in dictionary. It means that during one run (for each reload when serving, or once when building), a handler is instantiated only once, and reused for each "autodoc" instruction asking for it.


  • name ¤

    (str) –

    The name of the handler. Really, it's the name of the Python module holding it.

  • handler_config ¤

    (dict | None, default: None ) –

    Configuration passed to the handler.


  • BaseHandler

    An instance of a subclass of BaseHandler, as instantiated by the get_handler method of the handler's module.

get_handler_config ¤

get_handler_config(name: str) -> dict

Return the global configuration of the given handler.


  • name ¤

    (str) –

    The name of the handler to get the global configuration of.


  • dict

    The global configuration of the given handler. It can be an empty dictionary.

get_handler_name ¤

get_handler_name(config: dict) -> str

Return the handler name defined in an "autodoc" instruction YAML configuration, or the global default handler.


  • config ¤

    (dict) –

    A configuration dictionary, obtained from YAML below the "autodoc" instruction.


  • str

    The name of the handler to use.

teardown ¤

teardown() -> None

Teardown all cached handlers and clear the cache.

ThemeNotSupported ¤

Bases: Exception

An exception raised to tell a theme is not supported.

do_any ¤

do_any(seq: Sequence, attribute: str | None = None) -> bool

Check if at least one of the item in the sequence evaluates to true.

The any builtin as a filter for Jinja templates.


  • seq ¤

    (Sequence) –

    An iterable object.

  • attribute ¤

    (str | None, default: None ) –

    The attribute name to use on each object of the iterable.


  • bool

    A boolean telling if any object of the iterable evaluated to True.