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Introspection API

mkdocstrings_handlers.crystal.collector.CrystalCollector #

Bases: BaseHandler

root: DocRoot cached property #

The top-level namespace, represented as a fake module.

__init__(crystal_docs_flags: Sequence[str] = (), source_locations: Mapping[str, str] = {}) #

Create a "collector", reading docs from crystal doc in the current directory.

Normally this should not be instantiated.

When using mkdocstrings-crystal within MkDocs, a plugin can access the instance as config.plugins['mkdocstrings'].get_handler('crystal').

See Extras.

mkdocstrings_handlers.crystal.items.DocItem #

Bases: ABC

A representation of a documentable item from Crystal language.

abs_id: str property #

The absolute identifier of this item, sometimes known as "path", e.g. Foo::Bar or Foo::Bar#baz(x,y).

This is also the canonical identifier that will be used as its HTML id.

doc: str | None property #

The doc comment of this item.

kind: str abstractmethod property #

One of:

  • module, class, struct, enum, alias, annotation,
  • instance_method, class_method, macro,
  • constant

name: str property #

The name of this item, e.g. Foo or baz.

parent: DocItem | None = parent class-attribute instance-attribute #

The item that is the parent namespace for this item.

rel_id: str property #

The relative identifier of this item, e.g. Foo or baz(x,y).

lookup(identifier: str | DocPath) -> DocItem #

Find an item by its identifier, relative to this item or the root.


Name Type Description Default
identifier str | DocPath

The item to search for.


Returns: An object that's a subclass of DocItem. Raises: CollectionError: When an item by that identifier couldn't be found.

Subclasses of DocItem#

DocType #

Bases: DocItem

A DocItem representing a Crystal type.

ancestors: Sequence[DocPath] cached property #

The modules and classes this type inherited.

class_methods: DocMapping[DocClassMethod] cached property #

The class methods within this type.

constants: DocMapping[DocConstant] cached property #

The constants (or enum members) within this type.

constructors: DocMapping[DocConstructor] cached property #

The constructors within this type.

extended_modules: Sequence[DocPath] cached property #

The modules that this type extended.

full_name: str property #

The path of this item, e.g. Foo::Bar(T) or baz.

included_modules: Sequence[DocPath] cached property #

The modules that this type included.

including_types: Sequence[DocPath] cached property #

Known types that include this type.

instance_methods: DocMapping[DocInstanceMethod] cached property #

The instance methods within this type.

is_abstract: bool property #

Whether this type is abstract.

locations: Sequence[DocLocation] cached property #

The code locations over which the definitions of this type span.

macros: DocMapping[DocMacro] cached property #

The macros within this type.

subclasses: Sequence[DocPath] cached property #

Known subclasses of this type.

superclass: DocPath | None cached property #

The possible superclass of this type.

types: DocMapping[DocType] cached property #

The types nested in this type as a namespace.

walk_types() -> Iterator[DocType] #

Recusively iterate over all types under this type (excl. itself) in lexicographic order.

Subclasses of DocType#

DocModule #

Bases: DocType

A DocType representing a Crystal module.

DocClass #

Bases: DocType

A DocType representing a Crystal class.

DocStruct #

Bases: DocType

A DocType representing a Crystal struct.

DocEnum #

Bases: DocType

A DocType representing a Crystal enum.

DocAlias #

Bases: DocType

A DocType representing a Crystal alias.

aliased: crystal_html.TextWithLinks cached property #

A rich string containing the definition of what this is aliased to.

DocAnnotation #

Bases: DocType

A DocType representing a Crystal annotation.

DocConstant #

Bases: DocItem

A DocItem representing a Crystal constant definition.

value: str property #

The value of the constant (the code as a string).

DocMethod #

Bases: DocItem

A DocItem representing a Crystal method.

args_string: str cached property #

A rich string with the method's parameters.

e.g. (foo : Bar) : Baz

is_abstract: bool property #

Whether this method is abstract.

location: DocLocation | None cached property #

Code location of this method. Can be None if unknown.

short_name property #

Similar to rel_id, but also includes the separator first, e.g. #bar(x,y) or .baz()

Subclasses of DocMethod#

DocInstanceMethod #

Bases: DocMethod

A DocMethod representing a Crystal instance method.

DocClassMethod #

Bases: DocMethod

A DocMethod representing a Crystal class method.

DocConstructor #

Bases: DocClassMethod

A DocInstanceMethod representing a Crystal macro.

DocMacro #

Bases: DocMethod

A DocMethod representing a Crystal macro.


mkdocstrings_handlers.crystal.items.DocMapping #

Bases: Generic[_D]

Represents items contained within a type. A container of DocItems.

__bool__() -> bool #

bool(mapping) to check whether it's non-empty.

__contains__(key: str) -> bool #

"identifier" in mapping to check whether the mapping contains an item by this identifier (see DocItem.rel_id).

__getitem__(key: str) -> _D #

mapping["identifier"] to get the item by this identifier (see DocItem.rel_id).


Type Description

Raises: KeyError: if the item is missing.

__iter__() -> Iterator[_D] #

Iterate over the items like a list.

__len__() -> int #

len(mapping) to get the number of items.

mkdocstrings_handlers.crystal.items.DocLocation dataclass #

A location in code where an item was found.

filename: str instance-attribute #

The absolute path to the file.

line: int instance-attribute #

The (1-based) line number in the file.

url: str | None instance-attribute #

The derived URL of this location on a source code hosting site.

mkdocstrings_handlers.crystal.items.DocPath #

A path to a documentable Crystal item.

abs_id: str property #

The absolute identifier of this item, sometimes known as "path", e.g. Foo::Bar or Foo::Bar#baz.

full_name: str property #

The path of this item, e.g. Foo::Bar(T) or baz.

__str__() -> str #

Convert to string -- same as full_name.

lookup() -> DocItem #

Look up this item in its originating doc structure.


Type Description

When an item by this identifier couldn't be found.

Bases: UserString

A string with embedded information about which parts of it are links to other items.

Can be converted to an actual string with str(obj) -- or used directly, being a subclass of str.

The link information is currently for internal use only.

tokens: Sequence[_LinkToken] = tokens instance-attribute #

The list of embedded links.