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This module defines the documented objects classes.

Note that properties are considered attributes, because they are used like such.

It also defines a convenient Source class to represent source code.

Attribute (Object) ¤

A class to store information about an attribute.

It accepts an additional attr_type argument at instantiation.

Source code in pytkdocs/
class Attribute(Object):
    A class to store information about an attribute.

    It accepts an additional `attr_type` argument at instantiation.

    possible_name_properties: List[ApplicableNameProperty] = [NAME_SPECIAL, NAME_CLASS_PRIVATE, NAME_PRIVATE]

    def __init__(self, *args, attr_type=None, **kwargs):
        Initialize the object.

            *args: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
            attr_type: The attribute type.
            **kwargs: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.type = attr_type

possible_name_properties: List[Tuple[str, Callable[[str], bool]]] ¤

The properties that we can apply to the object based on its name.

The applicable properties vary from one subclass of Object to another.

__init__(self, *args, *, attr_type=None, **kwargs) special ¤

Initialize the object.


Name Type Description Default

Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.


The attribute type.


Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.

Source code in pytkdocs/
def __init__(self, *args, attr_type=None, **kwargs):
    Initialize the object.

        *args: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
        attr_type: The attribute type.
        **kwargs: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self.type = attr_type

Class (Object) ¤

A class to store information about a class.

Source code in pytkdocs/
class Class(Object):
    """A class to store information about a class."""

    possible_name_properties: List[ApplicableNameProperty] = [NAME_PRIVATE]

    def __init__(self, *args, bases: List[str] = None, **kwargs):
        Initialize the object.

            *args: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
            bases: The base classes (dotted paths).
            **kwargs: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.bases = bases or ["object"]

possible_name_properties: List[Tuple[str, Callable[[str], bool]]] ¤

The properties that we can apply to the object based on its name.

The applicable properties vary from one subclass of Object to another.

__init__(self, *args, *, bases=None, **kwargs) special ¤

Initialize the object.


Name Type Description Default

Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.

bases List[str]

The base classes (dotted paths).


Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.

Source code in pytkdocs/
def __init__(self, *args, bases: List[str] = None, **kwargs):
    Initialize the object.

        *args: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
        bases: The base classes (dotted paths).
        **kwargs: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self.bases = bases or ["object"]

Function (Object) ¤

A class to store information about a function.

It accepts an additional signature argument at instantiation.

Source code in pytkdocs/
class Function(Object):
    A class to store information about a function.

    It accepts an additional `signature` argument at instantiation.

    possible_name_properties: List[ApplicableNameProperty] = [NAME_PRIVATE]

    def __init__(self, *args, signature=None, **kwargs):
        Initialize the object.

            *args: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
            signature: The function signature.
            **kwargs: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.signature = signature

possible_name_properties: List[Tuple[str, Callable[[str], bool]]] ¤

The properties that we can apply to the object based on its name.

The applicable properties vary from one subclass of Object to another.

__init__(self, *args, *, signature=None, **kwargs) special ¤

Initialize the object.


Name Type Description Default

Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.


The function signature.


Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.

Source code in pytkdocs/
def __init__(self, *args, signature=None, **kwargs):
    Initialize the object.

        *args: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
        signature: The function signature.
        **kwargs: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self.signature = signature

Method (Object) ¤

A class to store information about a method.

It accepts an additional signature argument at instantiation.

Source code in pytkdocs/
class Method(Object):
    A class to store information about a method.

    It accepts an additional `signature` argument at instantiation.

    possible_name_properties: List[ApplicableNameProperty] = [NAME_SPECIAL, NAME_PRIVATE]

    def __init__(self, *args, signature=None, **kwargs):
        Initialize the object.

            *args: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
            signature: The function signature.
            **kwargs: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.signature = signature

possible_name_properties: List[Tuple[str, Callable[[str], bool]]] ¤

The properties that we can apply to the object based on its name.

The applicable properties vary from one subclass of Object to another.

__init__(self, *args, *, signature=None, **kwargs) special ¤

Initialize the object.


Name Type Description Default

Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.


The function signature.


Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.

Source code in pytkdocs/
def __init__(self, *args, signature=None, **kwargs):
    Initialize the object.

        *args: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
        signature: The function signature.
        **kwargs: Arguments passed to the parent class Initialize the object.
    super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    self.signature = signature

Module (Object) ¤

A class to store information about a module.

Source code in pytkdocs/
class Module(Object):
    """A class to store information about a module."""

    possible_name_properties: List[ApplicableNameProperty] = [NAME_SPECIAL, NAME_PRIVATE]

    def file_name(self) -> str:
        Return the base name of the module file, without the extension.

            The module file's base name.
        return os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.file_path))[0]

    def name_to_check(self) -> str:  # noqa: D102
        return self.file_name

file_name: str property readonly ¤

Return the base name of the module file, without the extension.


Type Description

The module file's base name.

name_to_check: str property readonly ¤

Return the attribute to check against name-properties regular expressions (private, class-private, special).


Type Description

The attribute to check (its name).

possible_name_properties: List[Tuple[str, Callable[[str], bool]]] ¤

The properties that we can apply to the object based on its name.

The applicable properties vary from one subclass of Object to another.

Object ¤

A base class to store information about a Python object.

Each instance additionally stores references to its children, grouped by category.

Source code in pytkdocs/
class Object(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    A base class to store information about a Python object.

    Each instance additionally stores references to its children, grouped by category.

    possible_name_properties: List[ApplicableNameProperty] = []
    The properties that we can apply to the object based on its name.

    The applicable properties vary from one subclass of `Object` to another.

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        path: str,
        file_path: str,
        docstring: Optional[str] = "",
        properties: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        source: Optional[Source] = None,
    ) -> None:
        Initialize the object.

            name: The object's name.
            path: The object's dotted-path.
            file_path: The file path of the object's direct parent module.
            docstring: The object's docstring.
            properties: The object's properties.
            source: The object's source code.
        """ = name
        """The object's name."""
        self.path = path
        """The object's dotted-path."""
        self.file_path = file_path
        """The file path of the object's direct parent module."""
        self.docstring = docstring
        """The object's docstring."""
        self.docstring_sections: List[Section] = []
        """The object's docstring parsed into sections."""
        self.docstring_errors: List[str] = []
        """The errors detected while parsing the docstring.""" = properties or []
        """The object's properties."""
        self.parent: Optional[Object] = None
        """The object's parent (another instance of a subclass of `Object`)."""
        self.source = source
        """The object's source code."""

        self._path_map = {self.path: self}
        self._parsed = False

        self.attributes: List[Attribute] = []
        """The list of all the object's attributes."""
        self.methods: List[Method] = []
        """The list of all the object's methods."""
        self.functions: List[Function] = []
        """The list of all the object's functions."""
        self.modules: List[Module] = []
        """The list of all the object's submodules."""
        self.classes: List[Class] = []
        """The list of all the object's classes."""
        self.children: List[Object] = []
        """The list of all the object's children."""

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.path

    def category(self) -> str:
        Return the object's category.

            The object's category (module, class, function, method or attribute).
        return self.__class__.__name__.lower()

    def root(self) -> "Object":
        Return the object's root.

            The object's root (top-most parent).
        obj = self
        while obj.parent:
            obj = obj.parent
        return obj

    def relative_file_path(self) -> str:
        Return the relative file path of the object.

        It is the relative path to the object's module,
        starting at the path of the top-most package it is contained in.

        For example:

        - package is `a`
        - package absolute path is `/abs/path/to/a`
        - module is `a.b.c`
        - object is `c` or anything defined in `c`
        - relative file path is `a/b/`

        If the relative file path cannot be determined, the value returned is `""` (empty string).

            The path relative to the object's package.
        parts = self.path.split(".")
        namespaces = [".".join(parts[:length]) for length in range(1, len(parts) + 1)]  # noqa: WPS221 (not complex)
        # Iterate through all sub namespaces including the last in case it is a module
        for namespace in namespaces:
            try:  # noqa: WPS229 (more compact)
                top_package = sys.modules[namespace]
            except (ModuleNotFoundError, ImportError, KeyError):
                # ImportError: Triggered if the namespace is not importable
                # ModuleNotFoundError: Triggered if the namespace is not a module
                # KeyError: Triggered if the imported package isn't referenced under the same fully qualified name
                # Namespace packages are importable, so this should work for them
                return ""

            try:  # noqa: WPS229 (more compact)
                top_package_path = Path(inspect.getabsfile(top_package)).parent
                return str(Path(self.file_path).relative_to(top_package_path.parent))
            except TypeError:
                # Triggered if getabsfile() can't be found in the case of a Namespace package
                pass  # noqa: WPS420 (passing is the only way)
            except ValueError:
                # Triggered if Path().relative_to can't find an appropriate path
                return ""

        return ""

    def name_to_check(self) -> str:
        Return the attribute to check against name-properties regular expressions (private, class-private, special).

            The attribute to check (its name).

    def name_properties(self) -> List[str]:
        Return the object's name properties.

            The object's name properties (private, class-private, special).
        properties = []
        for prop, predicate in self.possible_name_properties:
            if predicate(self.name_to_check):
        return properties

    def parent_path(self) -> str:
        Return the parent's path, computed from the current path.

        The parent object path is not used: this property is used to see if an object is really related to another one,
        to add it as a child to the other. When we do that, the child doesn't even have a parent.

            The dotted path of the parent object.
        return self.path.rsplit(".", 1)[0]

    def add_child(self, obj: "Object") -> None:  # noqa: WPS231 (not complex)
        Add an object as a child of this object.

        If the child computed `parent_path` is not equal to this object's path, abort.

        Append the child to the `children` list, and to the right category list.

            obj: An instance of documented object.
        if obj.parent_path != self.path:

        if isinstance(obj, Module):
        elif isinstance(obj, Class):
        elif isinstance(obj, Function):
        elif isinstance(obj, Method):
        elif isinstance(obj, Attribute):
            # Dataclass attributes with default values will already be present in `self.attributes` as they are
            # resolved differently by the python interpreter. As they have a concrete value, they are already present
            # in the "original" class. They should be overridden with the new "dataclass" attribute coming in here
            # (having the "dataclass_field" property set)
            new_attribute_name =
            for attribute in self.attributes:
                if == new_attribute_name:
        obj.parent = self

        self._path_map[obj.path] = obj

    def add_children(self, children: List["Object"]) -> None:
        Add a list of objects as children of this object.

            children: The list of children to add.
        for child in children:

    def parse_docstring(self, parser: Parser, **context) -> None:
        Parse the docstring of this object.

            parser: A parser to parse the docstrings.
            **context: Additional context to use when parsing.
        if self.docstring and not self._parsed:
            sections, errors = parser.parse(self.docstring, {"obj": self, **context})
            self.docstring_sections = sections
            self.docstring_errors = errors
            self._parsed = True

    def parse_all_docstrings(self, parser: Parser) -> None:
        Recursively parse the docstring of this object and its children.

            parser: A parser to parse the docstrings.
        for child in self.children:

    def has_contents(self) -> bool:
        Tells if the object has "contents".

        An object has contents when:

        - it is the root of the object tree
        - it has a docstring
        - at least one of its children (whatever the depth) has contents

        The value is cached, so this method should be called last, when the tree doesn't change anymore.

            Whether this object has contents or not.
        has_docstring = bool(self.docstring)
        is_root = not self.parent
        children_have_contents = any(child.has_contents() for child in self.children)
        return has_docstring or is_root or children_have_contents

category: str property readonly ¤

Return the object's category.


Type Description

The object's category (module, class, function, method or attribute).

name_properties: List[str] property readonly ¤

Return the object's name properties.


Type Description

The object's name properties (private, class-private, special).

name_to_check: str property readonly ¤

Return the attribute to check against name-properties regular expressions (private, class-private, special).


Type Description

The attribute to check (its name).

parent_path: str property readonly ¤

Return the parent's path, computed from the current path.

The parent object path is not used: this property is used to see if an object is really related to another one, to add it as a child to the other. When we do that, the child doesn't even have a parent.


Type Description

The dotted path of the parent object.

possible_name_properties: List[Tuple[str, Callable[[str], bool]]] ¤

The properties that we can apply to the object based on its name.

The applicable properties vary from one subclass of Object to another.

relative_file_path: str property readonly ¤

Return the relative file path of the object.

It is the relative path to the object's module, starting at the path of the top-most package it is contained in.

For example:

  • package is a
  • package absolute path is /abs/path/to/a
  • module is a.b.c
  • object is c or anything defined in c
  • relative file path is a/b/

If the relative file path cannot be determined, the value returned is "" (empty string).


Type Description

The path relative to the object's package.

root: Object property readonly ¤

Return the object's root.


Type Description

The object's root (top-most parent).

__init__(self, name, path, file_path, docstring='', properties=None, source=None) special ¤

Initialize the object.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The object's name.

path str

The object's dotted-path.

file_path str

The file path of the object's direct parent module.

docstring Optional[str]

The object's docstring.

properties Optional[List[str]]

The object's properties.

source Optional[pytkdocs.objects.Source]

The object's source code.

Source code in pytkdocs/
def __init__(
    name: str,
    path: str,
    file_path: str,
    docstring: Optional[str] = "",
    properties: Optional[List[str]] = None,
    source: Optional[Source] = None,
) -> None:
    Initialize the object.

        name: The object's name.
        path: The object's dotted-path.
        file_path: The file path of the object's direct parent module.
        docstring: The object's docstring.
        properties: The object's properties.
        source: The object's source code.
    """ = name
    """The object's name."""
    self.path = path
    """The object's dotted-path."""
    self.file_path = file_path
    """The file path of the object's direct parent module."""
    self.docstring = docstring
    """The object's docstring."""
    self.docstring_sections: List[Section] = []
    """The object's docstring parsed into sections."""
    self.docstring_errors: List[str] = []
    """The errors detected while parsing the docstring.""" = properties or []
    """The object's properties."""
    self.parent: Optional[Object] = None
    """The object's parent (another instance of a subclass of `Object`)."""
    self.source = source
    """The object's source code."""

    self._path_map = {self.path: self}
    self._parsed = False

    self.attributes: List[Attribute] = []
    """The list of all the object's attributes."""
    self.methods: List[Method] = []
    """The list of all the object's methods."""
    self.functions: List[Function] = []
    """The list of all the object's functions."""
    self.modules: List[Module] = []
    """The list of all the object's submodules."""
    self.classes: List[Class] = []
    """The list of all the object's classes."""
    self.children: List[Object] = []
    """The list of all the object's children."""

add_child(self, obj) ¤

Add an object as a child of this object.

If the child computed parent_path is not equal to this object's path, abort.

Append the child to the children list, and to the right category list.


Name Type Description Default
obj Object

An instance of documented object.

Source code in pytkdocs/
def add_child(self, obj: "Object") -> None:  # noqa: WPS231 (not complex)
    Add an object as a child of this object.

    If the child computed `parent_path` is not equal to this object's path, abort.

    Append the child to the `children` list, and to the right category list.

        obj: An instance of documented object.
    if obj.parent_path != self.path:

    if isinstance(obj, Module):
    elif isinstance(obj, Class):
    elif isinstance(obj, Function):
    elif isinstance(obj, Method):
    elif isinstance(obj, Attribute):
        # Dataclass attributes with default values will already be present in `self.attributes` as they are
        # resolved differently by the python interpreter. As they have a concrete value, they are already present
        # in the "original" class. They should be overridden with the new "dataclass" attribute coming in here
        # (having the "dataclass_field" property set)
        new_attribute_name =
        for attribute in self.attributes:
            if == new_attribute_name:
    obj.parent = self

    self._path_map[obj.path] = obj

add_children(self, children) ¤

Add a list of objects as children of this object.


Name Type Description Default
children List[Object]

The list of children to add.

Source code in pytkdocs/
def add_children(self, children: List["Object"]) -> None:
    Add a list of objects as children of this object.

        children: The list of children to add.
    for child in children:

has_contents(self) ¤

Tells if the object has "contents".

An object has contents when:

  • it is the root of the object tree
  • it has a docstring
  • at least one of its children (whatever the depth) has contents

The value is cached, so this method should be called last, when the tree doesn't change anymore.


Type Description

Whether this object has contents or not.

Source code in pytkdocs/
def has_contents(self) -> bool:
    Tells if the object has "contents".

    An object has contents when:

    - it is the root of the object tree
    - it has a docstring
    - at least one of its children (whatever the depth) has contents

    The value is cached, so this method should be called last, when the tree doesn't change anymore.

        Whether this object has contents or not.
    has_docstring = bool(self.docstring)
    is_root = not self.parent
    children_have_contents = any(child.has_contents() for child in self.children)
    return has_docstring or is_root or children_have_contents

parse_all_docstrings(self, parser) ¤

Recursively parse the docstring of this object and its children.


Name Type Description Default
parser Parser

A parser to parse the docstrings.

Source code in pytkdocs/
def parse_all_docstrings(self, parser: Parser) -> None:
    Recursively parse the docstring of this object and its children.

        parser: A parser to parse the docstrings.
    for child in self.children:

parse_docstring(self, parser, **context) ¤

Parse the docstring of this object.


Name Type Description Default
parser Parser

A parser to parse the docstrings.


Additional context to use when parsing.

Source code in pytkdocs/
def parse_docstring(self, parser: Parser, **context) -> None:
    Parse the docstring of this object.

        parser: A parser to parse the docstrings.
        **context: Additional context to use when parsing.
    if self.docstring and not self._parsed:
        sections, errors = parser.parse(self.docstring, {"obj": self, **context})
        self.docstring_sections = sections
        self.docstring_errors = errors
        self._parsed = True

Source ¤

Helper class to represent source code.

It is simply used to wrap the result of inspect.getsourceslines.

Source code in pytkdocs/
class Source:
    Helper class to represent source code.

    It is simply used to wrap the result of

    def __init__(self, lines: Union[str, List[str]], line_start: int) -> None:
        Initialize the object.

            lines: A list of strings. The strings should have trailing newlines.
            line_start: The line number of where the code starts in the file.
        if isinstance(lines, list):
            code = "".join(lines)
            code = lines
        self.code = code
        """The code, as a single string."""
        self.line_start = line_start
        """The first line number."""

__init__(self, lines, line_start) special ¤

Initialize the object.


Name Type Description Default
lines Union[str, List[str]]

A list of strings. The strings should have trailing newlines.

line_start int

The line number of where the code starts in the file.

Source code in pytkdocs/
def __init__(self, lines: Union[str, List[str]], line_start: int) -> None:
    Initialize the object.

        lines: A list of strings. The strings should have trailing newlines.
        line_start: The line number of where the code starts in the file.
    if isinstance(lines, list):
        code = "".join(lines)
        code = lines
    self.code = code
    """The code, as a single string."""
    self.line_start = line_start
    """The first line number."""
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