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This module defines functions and classes to parse docstrings into structured data.

AttributesDict (dict) ¤

Attribute details.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
class AttributesDict(TypedDict):
    """Attribute details."""

    docstring: str
    annotation: Type  # TODO: Not positive this is correct

FieldType dataclass ¤

Maps directive names to parser functions.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
class FieldType:
    """Maps directive names to parser functions."""

    names: FrozenSet[str]
    reader: Callable[[List[str], int], int]

    def matches(self, line: str) -> bool:
        Check if a line matches the field type.

            line: Line to check against

            True if the line matches the field type, False otherwise.
        return any(line.startswith(f":{name}") for name in self.names)

matches(self, line) ¤

Check if a line matches the field type.


Name Type Description Default
line str

Line to check against



Type Description

True if the line matches the field type, False otherwise.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
def matches(self, line: str) -> bool:
    Check if a line matches the field type.

        line: Line to check against

        True if the line matches the field type, False otherwise.
    return any(line.startswith(f":{name}") for name in self.names)

ParseContext ¤

Typed replacement for context dictionary.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
class ParseContext:
    """Typed replacement for context dictionary."""

    obj: Any  # I think this might be pytkdos.Object & subclasses
    attributes: DefaultDict[str, AttributesDict]
    signature: Optional[Signature]
    # Not sure real type yet. Maybe Optional[Union[Literal[Signature.empty],str,Type]]
    annotation: Any

    # This might be be better as the obj & optional attributes
    def __init__(self, context: Dict):
        Initialize the object.

            context: Context of parsing operation.
        self.obj = context["obj"]
        self.attributes = defaultdict(cast(Callable[[], AttributesDict], dict))
        attributes = context.get("attributes")
        if attributes is not None:

        self.signature = getattr(self.obj, "signature", None)
        self.annotation = getattr(self.obj, "type", empty)

__init__(self, context) special ¤

Initialize the object.


Name Type Description Default
context Dict

Context of parsing operation.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
def __init__(self, context: Dict):
    Initialize the object.

        context: Context of parsing operation.
    self.obj = context["obj"]
    self.attributes = defaultdict(cast(Callable[[], AttributesDict], dict))
    attributes = context.get("attributes")
    if attributes is not None:

    self.signature = getattr(self.obj, "signature", None)
    self.annotation = getattr(self.obj, "type", empty)

ParsedDirective dataclass ¤

Directive information that has been parsed from a docstring.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
class ParsedDirective:
    """Directive information that has been parsed from a docstring."""

    line: str
    next_index: int
    directive_parts: List[str]
    value: str
    invalid: bool = False

ParsedValues dataclass ¤

Values parsed from the docstring to be used to produce sections.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
class ParsedValues:
    """Values parsed from the docstring to be used to produce sections."""

    description: List[str] = field(default_factory=list)
    parameters: Dict[str, Parameter] = field(default_factory=dict)
    param_types: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
    attributes: Dict[str, Attribute] = field(default_factory=dict)
    attribute_types: Dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict)
    exceptions: List[AnnotatedObject] = field(default_factory=list)
    return_value: Optional[AnnotatedObject] = None
    return_type: Optional[str] = None

RestructuredText (Parser) ¤

A reStructuredText docstrings parser.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
class RestructuredText(Parser):
    """A reStructuredText docstrings parser."""

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Initialize the object."""
        self._typed_context = ParseContext({"obj": None})
        self._parsed_values: ParsedValues = ParsedValues()
        # Ordering is significant so that directives like ":vartype" are checked before ":var"
        self.field_types = [
            FieldType(PARAM_TYPE_NAMES, self._read_parameter_type),
            FieldType(PARAM_NAMES, self._read_parameter),
            FieldType(ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_NAMES, self._read_attribute_type),
            FieldType(ATTRIBUTE_NAMES, self._read_attribute),
            FieldType(EXCEPTION_NAMES, self._read_exception),
            FieldType(RETURN_NAMES, self._read_return),
            FieldType(RETURN_TYPE_NAMES, self._read_return_type),

    def parse_sections(self, docstring: str) -> List[Section]:  # noqa: D102
        self._typed_context = ParseContext(self.context)
        self._parsed_values = ParsedValues()

        lines = docstring.split("\n")
        curr_line_index = 0

        while curr_line_index < len(lines):
            line = lines[curr_line_index]
            for field_type in self.field_types:
                if field_type.matches(line):
                    curr_line_index = field_type.reader(lines, curr_line_index)  # type: ignore

            curr_line_index += 1

        return self._parsed_values_to_sections()

    def _read_parameter(self, lines: List[str], start_index: int) -> int:
        Parse a parameter value.

            lines: The docstring lines.
            start_index: The line number to start at.

            Index at which to continue parsing.
        parsed_directive = self._parse_directive(lines, start_index)
        if parsed_directive.invalid:
            return parsed_directive.next_index

        directive_type = None
        if len(parsed_directive.directive_parts) == 2:
            # no type info
            name = parsed_directive.directive_parts[1]
        elif len(parsed_directive.directive_parts) == 3:
            directive_type = parsed_directive.directive_parts[1]
            name = parsed_directive.directive_parts[2]
            self.error(f"Failed to parse field directive from '{parsed_directive.line}'")
            return parsed_directive.next_index

        if name in self._parsed_values.parameters:
            self.errors.append(f"Duplicate parameter entry for '{name}'")
            return parsed_directive.next_index

        annotation = self._determine_param_annotation(name, directive_type)
        default, kind = self._determine_param_details(name)

        self._parsed_values.parameters[name] = Parameter(

        return parsed_directive.next_index

    def _determine_param_details(self, name: str) -> Tuple[Any, Any]:
        default = empty
        kind = empty

        if self._typed_context.signature is not None:
            param_signature = self._typed_context.signature.parameters.get(name.lstrip("*"))
            # an error for param_signature being none is already reported by _determine_param_annotation()
            if param_signature is not None:
                if param_signature.default is not empty:
                    default = param_signature.default
                kind = param_signature.kind  # type: ignore[assignment]

        return default, kind

    def _determine_param_annotation(self, name: str, directive_type: Optional[str]) -> Any:
        # Annotation precedence:
        # - signature annotation
        # - in-line directive type
        # - "type" directive type
        # - empty
        annotation = empty

        parsed_param_type = self._parsed_values.param_types.get(name)
        if parsed_param_type is not None:
            annotation = parsed_param_type  # type: ignore[assignment]

        if directive_type is not None:
            annotation = directive_type  # type: ignore[assignment]

        if directive_type is not None and parsed_param_type is not None:
            self.error(f"Duplicate parameter information for '{name}'")

        if self._typed_context.signature is not None:
                param_signature = self._typed_context.signature.parameters[name.lstrip("*")]
            except KeyError:
                self.error(f"No matching parameter for '{name}'")
                if param_signature.annotation is not empty:
                    annotation = param_signature.annotation

        return annotation

    def _read_parameter_type(self, lines: List[str], start_index: int) -> int:
        Parse a parameter type.

            lines: The docstring lines.
            start_index: The line number to start at.

            Index at which to continue parsing.
        parsed_directive = self._parse_directive(lines, start_index)
        if parsed_directive.invalid:
            return parsed_directive.next_index
        param_type = _consolidate_descriptive_type(parsed_directive.value.strip())

        if len(parsed_directive.directive_parts) == 2:
            param_name = parsed_directive.directive_parts[1]
            self.error(f"Failed to get parameter name from '{parsed_directive.line}'")
            return parsed_directive.next_index

        self._parsed_values.param_types[param_name] = param_type
        param = self._parsed_values.parameters.get(param_name)
        if param is not None:
            if param.annotation is empty:
                param.annotation = param_type
                self.error(f"Duplicate parameter information for '{param_name}'")
        return parsed_directive.next_index

    def _read_attribute(self, lines: List[str], start_index: int) -> int:
        Parse an attribute value.

            lines: The docstring lines.
            start_index: The line number to start at.

            Index at which to continue parsing.
        parsed_directive = self._parse_directive(lines, start_index)
        if parsed_directive.invalid:
            return parsed_directive.next_index

        if len(parsed_directive.directive_parts) == 2:
            name = parsed_directive.directive_parts[1]
            self.error(f"Failed to parse field directive from '{parsed_directive.line}'")
            return parsed_directive.next_index

        annotation = empty

        # Annotation precedence:
        # - external context type TODO: spend time understanding where this comes from
        # - "vartype" directive type
        # - empty

        parsed_attribute_type = self._parsed_values.attribute_types.get(name)
        if parsed_attribute_type is not None:
            annotation = parsed_attribute_type  # type: ignore[assignment]

        context_attribute_annotation = self._typed_context.attributes[name].get("annotation")
        if context_attribute_annotation is not None:
            annotation = context_attribute_annotation

        if name in self._parsed_values.attributes:
            self.errors.append(f"Duplicate attribute entry for '{name}'")
            self._parsed_values.attributes[name] = Attribute(

        return parsed_directive.next_index

    def _read_attribute_type(self, lines: List[str], start_index: int) -> int:
        Parse a parameter type.

            lines: The docstring lines.
            start_index: The line number to start at.

            Index at which to continue parsing.
        parsed_directive = self._parse_directive(lines, start_index)
        if parsed_directive.invalid:
            return parsed_directive.next_index
        attribute_type = _consolidate_descriptive_type(parsed_directive.value.strip())

        if len(parsed_directive.directive_parts) == 2:
            attribute_name = parsed_directive.directive_parts[1]
            self.error(f"Failed to get attribute name from '{parsed_directive.line}'")
            return parsed_directive.next_index

        self._parsed_values.attribute_types[attribute_name] = attribute_type
        attribute = self._parsed_values.attributes.get(attribute_name)
        if attribute is not None:
            if attribute.annotation is empty:
                attribute.annotation = attribute_type
                self.error(f"Duplicate attribute information for '{attribute_name}'")
        return parsed_directive.next_index

    def _read_exception(self, lines: List[str], start_index: int) -> int:
        Parse an exceptions value.

            lines: The docstring lines.
            start_index: The line number to start at.

            A tuple containing a `Section` (or `None`) and the index at which to continue parsing.
        parsed_directive = self._parse_directive(lines, start_index)
        if parsed_directive.invalid:
            return parsed_directive.next_index

        if len(parsed_directive.directive_parts) == 2:
            ex_type = parsed_directive.directive_parts[1]
            self._parsed_values.exceptions.append(AnnotatedObject(ex_type, parsed_directive.value))
            self.error(f"Failed to parse exception directive from '{parsed_directive.line}'")

        return parsed_directive.next_index

    def _read_return(self, lines: List[str], start_index: int) -> int:
        Parse an return value.

            lines: The docstring lines.
            start_index: The line number to start at.

            Index at which to continue parsing.
        parsed_directive = self._parse_directive(lines, start_index)
        if parsed_directive.invalid:
            return parsed_directive.next_index

        annotation = empty
        # Annotation precedence:
        # - signature annotation
        # - "rtype" directive type
        # - external context type TODO: spend time understanding where this comes from
        # - empty
        if self._typed_context.signature is not None and self._typed_context.signature.return_annotation is not empty:
            annotation = self._typed_context.signature.return_annotation
        elif self._parsed_values.return_type is not None:
            annotation = self._parsed_values.return_type  # type: ignore[assignment]
            annotation = self._typed_context.annotation

        self._parsed_values.return_value = AnnotatedObject(annotation, parsed_directive.value)

        return parsed_directive.next_index

    def _read_return_type(self, lines: List[str], start_index: int) -> int:
        Parse an return type value.

            lines: The docstring lines.
            start_index: The line number to start at.

            Index at which to continue parsing.
        parsed_directive = self._parse_directive(lines, start_index)
        if parsed_directive.invalid:
            return parsed_directive.next_index

        return_type = _consolidate_descriptive_type(parsed_directive.value.strip())
        self._parsed_values.return_type = return_type
        return_value = self._parsed_values.return_value
        if return_value is not None:
            if return_value.annotation is empty:
                return_value.annotation = return_type
                self.error("Duplicate type information for return")

        return parsed_directive.next_index

    def _parsed_values_to_sections(self) -> List[Section]:
        markdown_text = "\n".join(_strip_blank_lines(self._parsed_values.description))
        result = [Section(Section.Type.MARKDOWN, markdown_text)]
        if self._parsed_values.parameters:
            param_values = list(self._parsed_values.parameters.values())
            result.append(Section(Section.Type.PARAMETERS, param_values))
        if self._parsed_values.attributes:
            attribute_values = list(self._parsed_values.attributes.values())
            result.append(Section(Section.Type.ATTRIBUTES, attribute_values))
        if self._parsed_values.return_value is not None:
            result.append(Section(Section.Type.RETURN, self._parsed_values.return_value))
        if self._parsed_values.exceptions:
            result.append(Section(Section.Type.EXCEPTIONS, self._parsed_values.exceptions))
        return result

    def _parse_directive(self, lines: List[str], start_index: int) -> ParsedDirective:
        line, next_index = _consolidate_continuation_lines(lines, start_index)
            _, directive, value = line.split(":", 2)
        except ValueError:
            self.error(f"Failed to get ':directive: value' pair from '{line}'")
            return ParsedDirective(line, next_index, [], "", invalid=True)

        value = value.strip()
        return ParsedDirective(line, next_index, directive.split(" "), value)

parse_sections(self, docstring) ¤

Parse a docstring as a list of sections.


Name Type Description Default
docstring str

The docstring to parse.



Type Description

A list of Sections.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
def parse_sections(self, docstring: str) -> List[Section]:  # noqa: D102
    self._typed_context = ParseContext(self.context)
    self._parsed_values = ParsedValues()

    lines = docstring.split("\n")
    curr_line_index = 0

    while curr_line_index < len(lines):
        line = lines[curr_line_index]
        for field_type in self.field_types:
            if field_type.matches(line):
                curr_line_index = field_type.reader(lines, curr_line_index)  # type: ignore

        curr_line_index += 1

    return self._parsed_values_to_sections()
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