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The base module for docstring parsing.

AnnotatedObject ¤

A helper class to store information about an annotated object.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
class AnnotatedObject:
    """A helper class to store information about an annotated object."""

    def __init__(self, annotation: Any, description: str) -> None:
        Initialize the object.

            annotation: The object's annotation.
            description: The object's description.
        self.annotation = annotation
        self.description = description

__init__(self, annotation, description) special ¤

Initialize the object.


Name Type Description Default
annotation Any

The object's annotation.

description str

The object's description.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
def __init__(self, annotation: Any, description: str) -> None:
    Initialize the object.

        annotation: The object's annotation.
        description: The object's description.
    self.annotation = annotation
    self.description = description

Attribute (AnnotatedObject) ¤

A helper class to store information about a documented attribute.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
class Attribute(AnnotatedObject):
    """A helper class to store information about a documented attribute."""

    def __init__(self, name: str, annotation: Any, description: str) -> None:
        Initialize the object.

            name: The attribute's name.
            annotation: The object's annotation.
            description: The object's description.
        super().__init__(annotation, description) = name

__init__(self, name, annotation, description) special ¤

Initialize the object.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The attribute's name.

annotation Any

The object's annotation.

description str

The object's description.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
def __init__(self, name: str, annotation: Any, description: str) -> None:
    Initialize the object.

        name: The attribute's name.
        annotation: The object's annotation.
        description: The object's description.
    super().__init__(annotation, description) = name

Parameter (AnnotatedObject) ¤

A helper class to store information about a signature parameter.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
class Parameter(AnnotatedObject):
    """A helper class to store information about a signature parameter."""

    def __init__(self, name: str, annotation: Any, description: str, kind: Any, default: Any = empty) -> None:
        Initialize the object.

            name: The parameter's name.
            annotation: The parameter's annotation.
            description: The parameter's description.
            kind: The parameter's kind (positional only, keyword only, etc.).
            default: The parameter's default value.
        super().__init__(annotation, description) = name
        self.kind = kind
        self.default = default

    def __str__(self):

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<Parameter({}, {self.annotation}, {self.description}, {self.kind}, {self.default})>"

    def is_optional(self):
        """Tell if this parameter is optional."""
        return self.default is not empty

    def is_required(self):
        """Tell if this parameter is required."""
        return not self.is_optional

    def is_args(self):
        """Tell if this parameter is positional."""
        return self.kind is inspect.Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL

    def is_kwargs(self):
        """Tell if this parameter is a keyword."""
        return self.kind is inspect.Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD

    def default_string(self):
        """Return the default value as a string."""
        if self.is_kwargs:
            return "{}"
        if self.is_args:
            return "()"
        if self.is_required:
            return ""
        return repr(self.default)

default_string property readonly ¤

Return the default value as a string.

is_args property readonly ¤

Tell if this parameter is positional.

is_kwargs property readonly ¤

Tell if this parameter is a keyword.

is_optional property readonly ¤

Tell if this parameter is optional.

is_required property readonly ¤

Tell if this parameter is required.

__init__(self, name, annotation, description, kind, default) special ¤

Initialize the object.


Name Type Description Default
name str

The parameter's name.

annotation Any

The parameter's annotation.

description str

The parameter's description.

kind Any

The parameter's kind (positional only, keyword only, etc.).

default Any

The parameter's default value.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
def __init__(self, name: str, annotation: Any, description: str, kind: Any, default: Any = empty) -> None:
    Initialize the object.

        name: The parameter's name.
        annotation: The parameter's annotation.
        description: The parameter's description.
        kind: The parameter's kind (positional only, keyword only, etc.).
        default: The parameter's default value.
    super().__init__(annotation, description) = name
    self.kind = kind
    self.default = default

Parser ¤

A class to parse docstrings.

It is instantiated with an object's path, docstring, signature and return type.

The parse method then returns structured data, in the form of a list of Sections. It also return the list of errors that occurred during parsing.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
class Parser(metaclass=ABCMeta):
    A class to parse docstrings.

    It is instantiated with an object's path, docstring, signature and return type.

    The `parse` method then returns structured data,
    in the form of a list of [`Section`][pytkdocs.parsers.docstrings.base.Section]s.
    It also return the list of errors that occurred during parsing.

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        """Initialize the object."""
        self.context: dict = {}
        self.errors: List[str] = []

    def parse(self, docstring: str, context: Optional[dict] = None) -> Tuple[List[Section], List[str]]:
        Parse a docstring and return a list of sections and parsing errors.

            docstring: The docstring to parse.
            context: Some context helping to parse the docstring.

            A tuple containing the list of sections and the parsing errors.
        self.context = context or {}
        self.errors = []
        sections = self.parse_sections(docstring)
        errors = self.errors
        return sections, errors

    def error(self, message) -> None:
        Record a parsing error.

            message: A message described the error.
        if self.context["obj"]:
            message = f"{self.context['obj'].path}: {message}"

    def parse_sections(self, docstring: str) -> List[Section]:
        Parse a docstring as a list of sections.

            docstring: The docstring to parse.

            A list of [`Section`][pytkdocs.parsers.docstrings.base.Section]s.
        raise NotImplementedError

__init__(self) special ¤

Initialize the object.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
def __init__(self) -> None:
    """Initialize the object."""
    self.context: dict = {}
    self.errors: List[str] = []

error(self, message) ¤

Record a parsing error.


Name Type Description Default

A message described the error.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
def error(self, message) -> None:
    Record a parsing error.

        message: A message described the error.
    if self.context["obj"]:
        message = f"{self.context['obj'].path}: {message}"

parse(self, docstring, context=None) ¤

Parse a docstring and return a list of sections and parsing errors.


Name Type Description Default
docstring str

The docstring to parse.

context Optional[dict]

Some context helping to parse the docstring.



Type Description
Tuple[List[pytkdocs.parsers.docstrings.base.Section], List[str]]

A tuple containing the list of sections and the parsing errors.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
def parse(self, docstring: str, context: Optional[dict] = None) -> Tuple[List[Section], List[str]]:
    Parse a docstring and return a list of sections and parsing errors.

        docstring: The docstring to parse.
        context: Some context helping to parse the docstring.

        A tuple containing the list of sections and the parsing errors.
    self.context = context or {}
    self.errors = []
    sections = self.parse_sections(docstring)
    errors = self.errors
    return sections, errors

parse_sections(self, docstring) ¤

Parse a docstring as a list of sections.


Name Type Description Default
docstring str

The docstring to parse.



Type Description

A list of Sections.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
def parse_sections(self, docstring: str) -> List[Section]:
    Parse a docstring as a list of sections.

        docstring: The docstring to parse.

        A list of [`Section`][pytkdocs.parsers.docstrings.base.Section]s.
    raise NotImplementedError

Section ¤

A helper class to store a docstring section.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
class Section:
    """A helper class to store a docstring section."""

    class Type:
        """The possible section types."""

        MARKDOWN = "markdown"
        PARAMETERS = "parameters"
        EXCEPTIONS = "exceptions"
        RETURN = "return"
        YIELD = "yield"
        EXAMPLES = "examples"
        ATTRIBUTES = "attributes"
        KEYWORD_ARGS = "keyword_args"

    def __init__(self, section_type: str, value: Any) -> None:
        Initialize the object.

            section_type: The type of the section, from the [`Type`][pytkdocs.parsers.docstrings.base.Section.Type] enum.
            value: The section value.
        self.type = section_type
        self.value = value

    def __str__(self):
        return self.type

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<Section(type={self.type!r})>"

Type ¤

The possible section types.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
class Type:
    """The possible section types."""

    MARKDOWN = "markdown"
    PARAMETERS = "parameters"
    EXCEPTIONS = "exceptions"
    RETURN = "return"
    YIELD = "yield"
    EXAMPLES = "examples"
    ATTRIBUTES = "attributes"
    KEYWORD_ARGS = "keyword_args"

__init__(self, section_type, value) special ¤

Initialize the object.


Name Type Description Default
section_type str

The type of the section, from the Type enum.

value Any

The section value.

Source code in pytkdocs/parsers/docstrings/
def __init__(self, section_type: str, value: Any) -> None:
    Initialize the object.

        section_type: The type of the section, from the [`Type`][pytkdocs.parsers.docstrings.base.Section.Type] enum.
        value: The section value.
    self.type = section_type
    self.value = value
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